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Making my first drone :D

Vito Corleone

New Member
Oct 4, 2018
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Hello everyone!
I thought of making my first drone for a while now.
I have small experience with rc cars, and electronics but nothing like FPV drones.
My questions are :
1.what do you think are the best buget components . I think i need: Frame,camera,esc's,propellers,motors,transmitter and recover,PDB,FC,FPV transmitter and recover,Antena,battery (optional).(i would love to get some links from aliexpress or banggood)?
2.can i use my 3s 5000mA 20 C li-po with the drone?
3.is there a easy way to connect FPV camera to smartphone (hwawey P smart in my case).And what do i need to do these ?
My budget is 150$ but i know how it is so 200$ is the limit.
I am looking for budget parts and if it is possible already made kits.
Did i miss anything? If you have any tips i will read every coment :P
I hope these post will help people like me who just got into FPV drones or are thinking of joining.
Be patient i am artistic :D
Safe flying!!!
I admire your enthusiasm but not only are you new to quads your gonna build it as well. While I will not deter you, I will say that it’s an ambitious undertaking.

Some key decisions you need to make are:

What is your budget?

What type of quad do you want to fly, freestyle, race, or somewhere in between.

What is the environment you are flying, grass or concrete.

What size quad do you want to fly, full-size, mini or micro

Do you want to spend money once or twice?

You can find plenty of , and building your first drone.

If your new to this and building it at the same time, you will spend a lot of time on the forums to get it built as well as repairing.

If you’ve never flown before, I would suggest a toy quad to get your feet wet. Also, I would watch plenty of YouTube videos on building as well as what options are out there for purchasing a prebuilt quad. Also what ever you do whether it’s building or prebuilt, Always have spare parts on hand. There’s nothing worse that busting up your quad and having to wait days or even weeks for replacements.

Some people to look for on YouTube are:
Albert Kim
Joshua bardwell
Frequent Flyer
Nick Burns
Rotor riot
Drone Mesh
Drone camps rc

My wife got my a toy quad last year fro father day and I’ve been hooked ever since. This year I began flying race quads. I started with the Kingkong et125 then got the kingkong 200gt and between July and now I have built 4 quads from scratch.

Good luck

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