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Motor Problem on Wizard x220


Feb 4, 2017
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So, first off, I'm very new to the hobby and I got my Wizard from China yesterday. I set it up just like this guide, but when I tried to fly it for the first time Motor 1 stopped spinning. Other than that, I can't tell what is wrong with it. I've looked everywhere I can on the internet to find if anyone else is having these problems, but I haven't found anything yet.

Edit: just found this video, I'm having the same problem as this guy
If calibrating the ESCs doesn't fix it, you probably have a bad ESC or bad motor, or a bad connection between them. Check the wiring between ESC, FC, and motor. Also make sure the screws for mounting the motor aren't too long. Did it ever spin?
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All the connections look fine to me(but Im not sure I'm qualified to say that they're fine.) How do I know if the screws are too long? And how do I know if the ESC or Motor is bad? I'm almost sure I remember all four spinning up when I first tested them.
Can you upload a video?
Do you have a multimeter? I'd start by checking voltage before and after that esc. Looks like it's bad or there is a boroken connection somewhere. Very well could be a dead motor but they usually do something when they are bad.
No, I'll have to go pick oe up tomorrow. I'll check back here when I get one.
No, I'll have to go pick oe up tomorrow. I'll check back here when I get one.

Yeah definitely a must have for this hobby. There are times when this hobby is fun and enjoyable working on them an other times it's frustrating and annoying. It's hard when you're getting started to because there is a ton of info on the web but to sort through it and find recent info and correct info can sometimes be the biggest pain in the ***. I'll check back tomorrow and see what you come up with.
Very well could be that they screwed up the wiring on that motor too. The could of put the signal wire on the neg or pos. Hard to believe but it did come from China so you might want to check that also. The Chinese are not exactly known for their high quality control.
This is why I bought the Grayson Tuned wizard from Grayson Hobby. They say that every wizard is a little different from settings to soldering so yes you can get one that may be a little jacked from factory. But Grayson pull each one out, Inspect and tune it up to their specs. That's what I needed as being such a rookie.

Still waiting on it to arrive. Should be tomorrow
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My son's wizzard arrived 2 days ago... we tested it and one of the motors is not running.
I openend BLheli and the 4th esc is not showing
Check the wiring to that ESC. Give each soldered joint a gentle tug, and be sure there are no solder joints touching each other or the carbon fiber.
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My Grayson Wizard showed up and it's phenomenal except for the crappy camera which I will soon replace with a Runcam Eagle 16:9 camera. Sorry to hear your issues with your son's Wizard.
Check the wiring to that ESC. Give each soldered joint a gentle tug, and be sure there are no solder joints touching each other or the carbon fiber.

Soldering seems fine and not touching anything. I can measure 11.1v before the esc.
Dont know how i can measure the motor though, has 3 black wires :/
maybe i better desolder the opposit diagonal motor and place the one from the bad side there to see if it's running there?

update: I just switched the motor from bad side to other side and motor works. So think esc is bad.
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