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My LIPO is acting weird.... Is this DANGEROUS??!!


Mar 6, 2021
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I am planning to fly my FPV drone this weekend, so I pulled out a lipo I left in Storage voltage (3.78V) and checked the voltage.
Overall voltage was 22.1V which seems a little low.
Then I checked the balance and it came out
1 cell 3.54V
2 cell 3.65V
3 cell 3.71V
4 cell 3.73V
5 cell 3.72V
6 cell 3.73V

I read in an article saying that if the cell voltages have a significant difference, it means the battery is damaged or something...
Should I get rid of this battery, or can I charge it and use it again?? Please tell me what I should do....
That isn't too bad, I assume you are using a charger that balances the cells, which is very important. If you charge it up and all the cells are within about 4.17 to 4.20 you should be fine. Ideally the cells should be closer but could be further apart in voltage. Don't parallel charge that battery if the cells stay unbalanced. If you can check the internal resistance you can tell the quality or health of that battery.

Disclaimer: There is always a risk with batteries that they could catch fire. Especially when they are acting a little off you should use a fireproof bag and stay in the same room. Don't take risks with dodgy batteries so you need to recognise the risk increases if they are acting strangely.
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Yea, cell #1 seems damaged (and #2 isn’t great). Can you see any physical difference? (Dented corner, or slightly puffed appearance)

You can try to balance charge it using a low amp setting and see if it normalizes, but it seems damaged and probably time for a new battery.

Charging should definitely be done in a fireproof bag, somewhere safe, and with you close by. (It bursting into flames is pretty unlikely but it’s good to be cautious.)

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