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My next victim...lol

Gearing up to build/rebuild some quads. First, gonna replace the emax 2306 2750kv motors on my 6" leopard with the 2306 2400 kv version, the 2750's were getting hot. Been sitting on a stretch version of the 6" leopard for a while waiting to find the best motors for it, hoping the new emax motors do well on the one i have built, if so, ill use them on the other. I also have a realacc x210 frame im gonna put the 2750's on with some 30a littlebee blheli s esc's and a omnibus f4 fc i have laying around (along with oodles of other fc's and parts).Yep, you heard me, ill have a betaflight build again...lol. Ordered a runcam micro camera/25 mw vtx combo to try out on this build but plan on using it on a micro build soon. Also gonna do a rebuild on my 5" x210 stretch as i have an oscillation i cant get out and im sure its a grounding or shorting issue, will not be changing any parts as it flies great sans oscillation.
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Doing this build as soon as my camera comes in. This is a 3mm thick Diatone Crusader 130 frame with 1306 3100kv motors and 12a BlHeli S esc's. I kinda robbed parts from it cause it never really flew well, i know now that it was a crap fc.. It was one of my first quads and I didnt know much about them at the time. It had plenty of power tho and runs 3-4 cell.
Here with a 5" prop for scale.
2017-09-03 14.53.11.jpg
Also, it has the same shaft size as a 5" quad but uses 3" props
The motor transplant on my 6" leopard build is going great so far, swapped them out (2306 2750kv to 2306 2400 kv) and flew a pak behind the house. They ran much cooler (barely warm) running the gemfan 6045 3's I like so much and I flew it hard. Going to the spot to run some paks through it tomorrow for a real test.
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Looks like a powerhouse. Nice work.
Haven't done much really but I hope to get to work on it this evening as my revolts came in today
2017-09-13 10.45.28.jpg
I also have a set of 30a little bee escs coming in this evening, I have lots of these guys...lol.
Thanks for looking
2017-09-16 11.21.32.jpg Doing a motor swap on my x210 stretch, replacing the Emax rs2205 S 2400kv motors with the Emax 2306 2750 kv motors that I replaced on my 6" leopard build, should be a rocket
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I have also finalised my part choices on my upcoming leopard 6" stretch build, decided to try out these new raceflight motors
Warp 8 2308 2600kv Motors || RaceFlight Store
they are 2308 2600kv, hoping a battery doesnt implode using these...lol

Also using:
Kamikaze Matrix Insanity PDB
raceflight revolt fc
littlebee blheli s 30a esc's
akk switcher vtx with whip
turnigy IA6C receiver
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Anesthesia applied and motor solders exposed for transplant (anesthesia is for me, it is Saturday after all)
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