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My next victim...lol

have been wanting to build a six incher for a while and here recently the new drl quad design came out and its a six, and badass to boot. that really made me want to build this one. anyone know where to get a drl3 quad body?.....lol

I looked all over for a DRL2 or 3 and can't come up with squat. Be kind of cool to fly one just to see how different they are.

snuck two paks in on my 6" between showers out back, all i can say is wow, cant wait till my 6" props come in. this thing is a beast even with 5" props, love these motors
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Fpv equipment done. Flew two paks fpv out back, it is incredibly fast! my 6" props will be here monday and i ordered a new hd camera, itll be here tue. Cant wait to post a vid to show you guys this thing! i ordered the camera as soon as i came inside from flight....lol
this frame is awesome, its very well thought out and my akk switcher vtx fits between the frame at the top perfectly. The battery strap is easily removable so i can get it out of the way when working on it and easily replace it. its gonna also be very easy to mount a hd camera. This is my first non one piece frame and i love it.
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just flew a couple paks with 6045 2 props, I LOVE THIS QUAD!! it hovers at about 20 percent throttle and is extremely agile. it is so easy to maneuver and the throttle response is huge. the way it sounds is totally different with the 6" props. i have some 6045 3 props coming in tomorrow, altho i dont know if ill be able to fly them with these motors, may have to swap them for the emax 2306 2400kv's. my hd camera will be in tomorrow as well, ill post a vid tomorrow if the weather allows
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new props came in, 6045 3's, flew 1/2 pak in the rain,....lol, couldnt wait. So far so good, no excessive motor heat, these props are huge.
Compared to 5" props
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ordered some 2600 mah 70c (was the highest c rating in a bigger lipo i could find) 4s lipos for my 6" build. i'll adjust my rates and tune when i get them. its so touchy like it is, notice how high it goes in the last power loop of this video from yesterday.
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Nice video! Isnt the height in the power loop on you not the bird or battery weight? How heavy is that 2600mah battery? I've got 5 2200mah 3S that I only use with Frank because they're too big and heavy for my other birds.

P.S. Wrapping up my QAV-Skitzo build right now. Just soldered everything up. Gonna put it on BetaFlight in a little bit, see if everything is working.

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Nice video! Isnt the height in the power loop on you not the bird or battery weight? How heavy is that 2600mah battery? I've got 5 2200mah 3S that I only use with Frank because they're too big and heavy for my other birds.

P.S. Wrapping up my QAV-Skitzo build right now. Just soldered everything up. Gonna put it on BetaFlight in a little bit, see if everything is working.

probably both, cant wait to see the skitzo..
the battery Amazon.com: Crazepony Kudian 2600mAh Lipo Battery Pack 4S 14.8V 70C for FPV Drone Car Boat etc: Toys & Games
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That's a big battery, Brother. Hey, you're no different than me, gotta give it a try! I can't tell you how much "trial and error" stuff I've accumulated.

(Skitzo was put on BF and all looks good so far. Motors and ESC's are good, bound up to an XSR, radio control is good, camera and VTX are a go. I'm gonna start buttoning him up now. Got both my Chameleon and Leopard frames delivered today.)

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yeah, i practically could start a hobby shop....lol
if im a hobby shop, you're a warehouse...lol
i really think the big batteries gonna help, its so "floaty" for a lack of a better description
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ordered the stretch version of the leopard, still have to order everything else, thinking i may use bigger, lower kv motors on this one
Hi virtue,
Those 6-4-3's are AWSOME... I'm using the brotherhobby
Returner r4...2300kv. They work really well . Good punch ,low amp draw. Barely even get warm.


It sounds like you're really getting into this thing now! Good luck and thanks for the private notes.

Hi virtue,
Those 6-4-3's are AWSOME... I'm using the brotherhobby
Returner r4...2300kv. They work really well . Good punch ,low amp draw. Barely even get warm.

what size are those motors Keith? (as in 2206)

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