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NateDoggFPV is back flying

oh, i don't have trouble with the neighbors or law inforcement. i was spotting and told him "right to left, and its a cop". i think he went low for effect.

made for a spot in the vid. i originally had the vid loading with ACDC but youtube was being precocious. ... clean blade noise works for me.
he's fun to watch and 80% of why i build quads is to watch him have a ball.
lots more to come. my flying was boring. natedogg got "shivery fingers" today after several close calls in a row.
that's the ticket I'm buying right there. adrenaline
it's kinda congested in my air space here at home. lots of cars and people walking the lakeshore. having a spotter is really helpful. facing the lake, ill call out cars and people moving ("walker, left to right" or "car right to left"). so far were staying out of trouble and if anyone ever gets interested, i simply offer them a viewer to "watch what he is seeing". so far everyone is sold and enthusiastically positive.
we try hard to be careful and friendly with our flying. what a ball!! still can't help chasing cars like a rabid dog though. practicing for chasing the drift car is my excuse but... its a bad habit nate and I both have. ( :
been working on this loft bed the past couple days.
nate bought a 1600$ driving simulator. to make room i roosted the bed like back in my college dorm days. ill show the racing sim once its together. its all about drift car racing. I'm just hoping to film this year with the 5".
what a ball
we have a 64" gaming tv for this.
hopefully it will all work. 15396393592837862145197083906713.jpg
had to get a new xbox 1 today.. used and refurbished but should work.
i wasn't giving up the xbox in the family room so he had to buy his own. ( :
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bought an old 2003 tahoe denalli yesterday to tow the race car. needs new running gear and it should work. some tranny questions but we'll have it checked. another 1k$ should be enough to have it ready.
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