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Need advice to begin

Sorry for not responding earlier, was busy yesterday and I think we are not on the same time zone :)
First thank your for all your answer, this website looks like a great community.
I must say that I'm a little bit lost between all your answers, I will try to answer them one by one :

the picture in the goggles will be fantastic compared to what we fly with today. Just my 2 cents.
That's why I'm thinking about jumping directly to these news HD Digital camera and goggles and not to analog. I've seen that Fat Shark are going to release their Byte Frost camera, do you think it would be better to wait to see how good it is ?

More expensive gear does not a better pilot make.

I would say no to the DJI set. It's going to make your first build very difficult, and that hawk 5 doesn't have room for the air unit, so you'll have to strap it to the top or something.

I recommend people start with a micro like the Tinyhawk to learn how to fly, and you can't fly micros with the DJI setup. The cost is comparable ONLY if you're comparing it to the most expensive analog parts on the market, NONE of which I personally use or have ever felt the need for.
The kit that I usually recommend to new pilots is a Taranis X9d or Qx7, the EV800D goggles, and a tinyhawk. It's all about $300 USD and it'll get you flying.
I'm pretty sure it will not make me a better pilot, but I'm sure it will not make me a worst one neither :)
What do you think would be the best drone to mount the Dji stuff on it ?
As I said money isn't a problem at all, and I can easly understand buying a cheap drone to begin is a great advice cause I will crash it several times for sure, but things like goggles and controller should last fo a long time, no ?

I have to agree with the advice you got above from RTK Darling. I did exactly what he suggests, and it helped me learn how to set up the radio transmitter, quad, goggles and how to fly. If I was starting out today, I'd do the same thing regardless of the DJI announcement. It's not so much about cost as it is about learning the in's-and-out's of FPV.
Do you have a link about everything he told you, more reading will not hurt me ;)

I'm curious what they're coming out with next. Flight controller? Flight software? RTF FPV kit? What are the chances that they make their own micro / trainer that works with the system? What's stopping them from bringing out their own set of hardware and software standards and dropping betaflight support? The air unit is too big to be adopted by multiGP. DRL makes their own hardware and they're not about to bow to DJI anytime soon. The REAL market value of their equipment is arguably not in the traditional FPV market because that market is tiny.
I agree that keeping an open system would be better than a closed one and we dont know what are the futur project of Dji...
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Money aside, I would suggest you buy this kit: Taranis X9d or Qx7, the EV800D goggles, and a tinyhawk.

The reason is that I honestly believe it's the fastest way to learn to fly FPV. Even if you were not worried about destroying a larger craft while you're learning, it's still going to take longer to build, replace, and even fetch, and that last point is the interesting one.

When you're learning on micro all of the scales decrease, including how far you need to travel to practice, or how far you have to walk to recover from a crash. All of those times add up quickly. Another convenience is that parallel charging small 1s batteries is easy and fast, so you can get back in the air quicker.

So, if money is no issue at all, then $300 USD is pretty cheap for a good training kit. On top of that you'll then have all the analog parts you need if you want to try other ready to fly models that are coming out. Once you're flying the tinyhawk confidently we can take another look around, the tech is changing really fast. DJI will have their own ready to fly FPV quad soon I imagine.

Here's some past conversations on the topic
OK I will follow your advice cause you seems to be a wise a person.
If I buy all these parts, I will be ready to fly or I will need anything else ?
I have absolutely nothing right now. We use 220v in my country, are the charger full range ? How can I charge the batteries ? All at the same time ?

FrSky Taranis Q X7 2.4GHz 16CH Transmitter (Black)

PyroDrone 3000mAh Li-ion 7.4V Battery for FRSKY QX7 & Fatshark goggles

Eachine EV800D 5.8G 40CH Diversity FPV Goggles with DVR

EMAX TinyHawk S 1-2S Micro Brushless FPV Drone (BNF)

GNB 1S 450mAh 80C PH 2.0 6pc. combo pack
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That list is great, the battery for the QX7, and the goggles and tinyhawk come with chargers.

What do you think would be the best drone to mount the Dji stuff on it ?

I'm looking at this right now. I love my frame, but I would want the props out of view to take advantage of the digital feed. It could be solved with a 3d print as well
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RTK is spot on with all of this, but I would suggest you speing the extra for the QX7S, it has hall effect gimbals which are much smoother and wear out much less frequently, the switches are angled and more out of the way in case you decide to pinch instead of thumb, it comes with the battery and charger already, and it is much more ergonomic in the hands. IMHO
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I'm 30yo, I live in Switzerland and since the beggining of this year I'm looking more and more to jump to the FPV Drone world. I had lot of things to do the last 3 months but now I have a lot of spare time and I think it would be the best moment for me to jump in. 3 days ago I've seen the new video from Dji with their FPV kit and I would like to know if you think it would be a good starter ? The picture look nice and as I've understand I will just need to buy the "DJI FPV Fly More Combo (Mode 2)" and a drone, right ? Do you have some advice for a good drone to start with this kit ? I've heard a lot of people talking about the Emax HAWK 5, is it a good one ? Is it compatible with the Dji FPV stuff ? Do you have better model or would you choose anything else if it was for you ? Money isn't a problem for me, I want to start with good stuff :)
Thank you in advance for all your advices.
New here... Hi All.
Same basic boat as the Op. Plenty of experience with other sUAV crafts of multiple brands. My "nearest" experience to FPV is using the Epson Moverio BT300 glasses and... actually enjoy a Hoodmans Hood snorkel over tablet.

Next would be a Tello indoors flying using screen FPV only around house rooms.

Realize it no where near the same... just saying have a tidbit of FPV.

I clearly understand everyone's point for 1st time FPV buyers and fliers. Great points on size of craft, cost of package minimal, and expense to repair.

Although, I may be one of the newer crowd drawn to the FPV world, which may be a positive to increase the overall productivity of the sport... and that "draw" is driven a lot by the clarity and smoothness of the DJI FPV Digital package. However many dislike DJI, they do provide product that appeals to the mass of Buyers. Many may even purchase a DJI FPV setup solely based on brand recognition, loyalty and confidence in products and then once a comfort is gained in FPV may transition to more standardized FPV product & brands.

Personally, I looked at FPV sometime back and wasn't interested in racing and didn't like the rough video within the FPV. I desired more realistic clarity coupled with the sprintiness of the smaller FPV crafts.

I personally feel if / when DJI releases a full RTF FPV package, it's sell amazingly well and you'll see a significant increase participating in the sport.

That said, and recognized not a recommended path to follow... what would currently be a good platform to use with the DJI product?
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New here... Hi All.
Same basic boat as the Op. Plenty of experience with other sUAV crafts of multiple brands. My "nearest" experience to FPV is using the Epson Moverio BT300 glasses and... actually enjoy a Hoodmans Hood snorkel over tablet.

Next would be a Tello indoors flying using screen FPV only around house rooms.

Realize it no where near the same... just saying have a tidbit of FPV.

I clearly understand everyone's point for 1st time FPV buyers and fliers. Great points on size of craft, cost of package minimal, and expense to repair.

Although, I may be one of the newer crowd drawn to the FPV world, which may be a positive to increase the overall productivity of the sport... and that "draw" is driven a lot by the clarity and smoothness of the DJI FPV Digital package. However many dislike DJI, they do provide product that appeals to the mass of Buyers. Many may even purchase a DJI FPV setup solely based on brand recognition, loyalty and confidence in products and then once a comfort is gained in FPV may transition to more standardized FPV product & brands.

Personally, I looked at FPV sometime back and wasn't interested in racing and didn't like the rough video within the FPV. I desired more realistic clarity coupled with the sprintiness of the smaller FPV crafts.

I personally feel if / when DJI releases a full RTF FPV package, it's sell amazingly well and you'll see a significant increase participating in the sport.

That said, and recognized not a recommended path to follow... what would currently be a good platform to use with the DJI product?

Wussup, bro.. Nice of you to join the forum, this is where I have been hanging out nowadays. I still fly for work, but the FPV bug got to me and I have been having a lot of fun, and I’ve learned to separate my tools (drones) for work and hobby drones.

What got me hooked is the Emax Tinyhawk, and the Emax Tinyhawk Freestyle, presently I’ve acquired an Emax Buzz, and hope to build my own soon after I learned the lingo and the how to.

Welp. You know my story and affiliation with DJI and it’s not a coincidence of why I am now getting into and learning FPV, but I wouldn’t get a DJI system right now.
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Wussup, bro.. Nice of you to join the forum, this is where I have been hanging out nowadays. I still fly for work, but the FPV bug got to me and I have been having a lot of fun, and I’ve learned to separate my tools (drones) for work and hobby drones.

What got me hooked is the Emax Tinyhawk, and the Emax Tinyhawk Freestyle, presently I’ve acquired an Emax Buzz, and hope to build my own soon after I learned the lingo and the how to.

Welp. You know my story and affiliation with DJI and it’s not a coincidence of why I am now getting into and learning FPV, but I wouldn’t get a DJI system right now.
Hey, been a while... I saw you were playing with the FPV, looks & sounds like a blast!
I'm intrigued, but moving slow... the DJI system looks like it needs to improve a bit, and I'm thinking they'll release a follow-up package that includes a small FPV craft.
I'm watching it, but haven't made the jump yet... on the plus side they aren't elaborate pricey birds... in comparison.

On a different subject... could use your insight on the mapping, I'll make a post over on Commer Side.
Hey, been a while... I saw you were playing with the FPV, looks & sounds like a blast!
I'm intrigued, but moving slow... the DJI system looks like it needs to improve a bit, and I'm thinking they'll release a follow-up package that includes a small FPV craft.
I'm watching it, but haven't made the jump yet... on the plus side they aren't elaborate pricey birds... in comparison.

On a different subject... could use your insight on the mapping, I'll make a post over on Commer Side.

Speaking of mapping. I owe Hammer Missions a feedback report. [emoji23]
Speaking of mapping. I owe Hammer Missions a feedback report. [emoji23]
I need to get their current release downloaded an examine... time is the crunch element lately.
I've examined DroneHarmony... that's pretty interesting and full featured.
Also, ya gotta take a look a the Aussie Company's Litchi Map tool set... pretty cool.

See ya on the other side...
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