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new pilot, new drone, probally same questions


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2018
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got a indorfen drone from rise...flies nice. went into betaflight and looked around, after i disconnected my drone wont fly. tried reconnecting transmitter, nothing still. really confused as to what happened here. any help?
Tried to flash firmware, drove beeped for few then nothing, has a blue led strip on back that's not on anymore...now it won't connect back to betaflight
Remember Independence Day when Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum went into the alien craft and gave it a bug....On the welcome page of Betaflight Configurator you'll see links to download the proper drivers, as it sounds like it could be your issue. Also try running the IRC Driver
Thought i did get the firmware flashed... and the driver installed... it was connected to bf, i could move the master motor slider and motors spun, looked at a few things... was looking to adjust the sensitivity of the controls to get it little less twitchy but didn't adjust any as it's nothing like adjust the proportional on older rc cars so i left it alone. After i left bf and went to fly nothing. Going to try to reset the bind with the trans and drone when i get home
trying to get things going again. deleted all drivers and re-downloaded...back in to bf! now it seems my tx is missing....
Sorry guys, up late and didn't post.
I got it flying.
Don't know why i didn't think of sooner but... me and son both got one so i hooked his and compared settings and adjusted to match.

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