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New to DroneRacingPilots


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May 22, 2020
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Im not new to drones, built my first drone in 2014 and then other 6 until 2015. I somewhy left this community and the drones i made, but im back;),so here i am with a 5 year old robocat lots of old tech that i cant do nothing with. Also all my f3's dont work so ill have to buy 7 f722, that now are much more expensive. Probably everything i can save are the motors and frames.
Hi @Nono, welcome to the group! I have a few F3 boards I still fly, and they fly fine, the oldest is about 5 years old now and is still rock solid and flies as good as any other F4 or F7 I have, in some ways maybe even better. I wouldn't care if it was old RoboCat or not, I would see if I could flash Betaflight 3.5.7 on them and give them a fly. Let me know if I can help!
Hi @Nono, welcome to the group! I have a few F3 boards I still fly, and they fly fine, the oldest is about 5 years old now and is still rock solid and flies as good as any other F4 or F7 I have, in some ways maybe even better. I wouldn't care if it was old RoboCat or not, I would see if I could flash Betaflight 3.5.7 on them and give them a fly. Let me know if I can help!
I want to buy a RTF tiny whoop below 100€, my controller is the Flysky I6S ( AFHDS 2A protocol) and i really cant find any drone with that protocol, any help is appreciated.
I think you should look at the Happy Model Mobula 6, they have a Flysky version. The regular version (not the HD version) is pretty robust and would be a good starter that is quite capable for a whoop class quad. The HD version will get broken since the HD camera and board are fairly fragile and would likely break leaving you with no video.

I think you should look at the Happy Model Mobula 6, they have a Flysky version. The regular version (not the HD version) is pretty robust and would be a good starter that is quite capable for a whoop class quad. The HD version will get broken since the HD camera and board are fairly fragile and would likely break leaving you with no video.

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