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New to drones need advice

Apr 15, 2017
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So I have been watching the rise of drone racing for some time now. I have finally decided to dive in. I have one problem. I don't have any idea where to start. I know I want to fly FPV I think it's called. Also really want to build and tune my own drone.Again on that have no idea where to start. I am based in Omaha Nebraska and don't know if there is anyone or anyplace locally that I can get in touch with. I have soldering skills and am pretty smart when it comes to electronics and circuitry, used to mod out difderent things. And I was into RC Car racing. Still am but drones are going to take the money now. Anyways would welcome and appreciate any tips or advice you guys and gals might have for me. Thanks!
Welcome, Matt! We've all been there at one point. I'm just into this for 5-6 months now (have been into the aerial photography drones for a few years). I'm still learning every day. I now have about 7 race style drones, two of which I built myself. All of the others have been ripped apart, modified or repaired at one point or another. I'm just north of Sioux Falls.

My best advice would be to start pouring over these pages and some of the threads over at RC Groups. There actually is quite a bit of noobie info in this forum but you may have to did around a bit to find it. There aren't a lot of members here but the ones that are here have pretty much started right where you are now. They are also very helpful. There is quite a bit to learn before you start shelling out the bucks.

Okay and have been looking around this site and found some useful info. Thank you guys so much Green and Jerry. I have decided to go with the Diatone crusader gt2 200 and the Fatshark dominatorv v3. Along with the Frsky taranis x9d plus But me question is with that combo do I need to buy the Frsky reciever for the transmitter? I plan on buying the Fatshark diversity reciever and the the Fatshark dominator v3. So does that reciever work for both goggles and transmitter?

The GT2 is very low profile and compact. The space available for your transmitter is limited so you want a very small one. Hopefully, you can see what I'm talking about in these pics.


IMG_7001.JPG IMG_6996.JPG IMG_7004.JPG

I missed your question. The XSR transmitter will be for the 2.4ghz radio control. The GT2 will come with the 5.8ghz video transmitter (VTX) already installed. It will work fine with your Dominator V3 and the Diversity receiver.

Okay gotcha. Thanks Jerry. I think ultimately the best way I am going to learn what is what is by going out to events and what not. Also diving into my drone and gear. I am so excited about it. Anyways thank you again for your help. I am most definitely sticking around here for a while.
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May also consider a flight simulator
Good idea on the simulator. When I went from fixed wing to heli, I figured I could handle no training....wrong. I went through 3 helis before I bought a simulator for 100$, This kept my 4th heli alive. Also, drones arent far off from flying heli as the yaw comes in to play as well. If nothing else Matt, go to target or walmart and get one of the 40-70 dollar versions to get the basics down. Their light and take a beating. Racing drones arent so fragile, and they cost a lot more.
For racing I like the ZMR250, spectrum DX6I and Fatshart Dominator V3. The drone is bought in pieces and assembeled (including soldering). Google it.

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