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Newbie looking for help with CC3D connection

Fast and Curious

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2020
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Hi. My son is a drone fanatic and having burned out dozens of motors flying toy drones he saved up for a 250mm racing drone. After days of trying, we cannot connect the CC3D FC to CleanFlight, LibrePilot or BetaFlight. We've tried multiple cables and 2 different PCs. We have installed all the drivers suggested (including VCP & CP210x) and we can see "CopterControl" under USB Devices in Device Manager after using the Zadig app. However, we don't see any USB Serial Converter or anything under the COM Ports. I'm sure we're doing something very stupid which will have everyone on this forum rolling their eyes at the newbies but we'd really appreciate any advice - dumbed down please as we're very early on in our learning curve. Many thanks!
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Wow, cc3d, that's old school?
For the driver installer you need to be in boot mode while plugged in. Drivers are by far the worse part of the software side, so just keep tinkering away and eventually it'll work ?
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Wow, cc3d, that's old school?
For the driver installer you need to be in boot mode while plugged in. Drivers are by far the worse part of the software side, so just keep tinkering away and eventually it'll work ?
So here comes one of the previously advertised dumb questions... how do I put it in boot mode?
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Hi. So after trying everything we finally solved this one. It turns out that all we needed to do was connect to a Desktop PC rather than the laptops we had been trying. From there it was just plug and play. Maybe this will save someone else the countless hours of fiddling about we put in. Thanks @M3talrocksFPV for the encouragement and your input.
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