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Only 65 mph max in manual.

are you in limited tilt manual or full manual? with the limits set up it will still fly manual but to fly it that fast the drone nearly needs to be full tilt forward which the limits will not allow.. can you do rolls in it? If it will do a fast flip or roll (not a power loop) then the limits are disabled.
Limits were enabled. I will try again without limits. But, i did reach 82 Mph with the limit enabled. I will report back.
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Limits were enabled. I will try again without limits. But, i did reach 82 Mph with the limit enabled. I will report back.
awesome, looking forward to hearing back.. be careful when you go full stick now!! it will not just pitch forward, it will completely do a front flip!
awesome, looking forward to hearing back.. be careful when you go full stick now!! it will not just pitch forward, it will completely do a front flip!
Thnx for reminder. I would have forgot. I believe I’ll try this in a big old field at 500 AGL.
awesome, looking forward to hearing back.. be careful when you go full stick now!! it will not just pitch forward, it will completely do a front flip!
So i just got back from thr big ask field. Being a brand noob at FPV, i could not find a sweet spot for pitch and throttle combination that would get me much more than 55 mph. I did however have a blast with flips and rolls, on purpose!
Hm, interesting! I have flown in excess of 150 km/h with it in a slight descending flightpath on a day with no wind. 140 km/h in level flight sounds about right to me.
In full acro with 20* camera tilt cruising at 20 to 25m/s (45 to 55mph) roughly what I get keeping horizon centered in the view. I‘ve seen 35m/s which is getting up around 80mph but your certainly looking down to maintain level flight at that speed. Running a higher camera tilt will nuatuly have you flying faster to keep a centered horizon but will chew through batteries. 20* seems a good mid point angle; I do wish we could have preset angels on the C2 rocker switch. Down 0*, mid 15* & 25* would new a good combination IMO.
just an FYI, from someone who has been flying FPV for a couple years now, the higher the tilt angle you set on your camera the faster you will fly comfortably (to an extent). I usually fly my race quads at around 35* angle. speed it all about tilt, and if your flying at 20* you wont have much tilt and limited (visually) to a slower speed. Speed will come with experience and getting more comfortable on the sticks. things happen really fast over 60mph in acro mode so take your time and ease into it.. your wallet will thank you for it.
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For the experienced FPV pilots, does 20* seem like a good starting point? I’m just getting into FPV. Spent a bunch of time in the sim and now flying in full acro. I can cruise around and get low and make decent turns, still feel like my yaw/banking mix could use work. After some sim time the jump to manual mode didn’t seem too hard. I will say without the sim it would have been an imediate crash. For those flying in the DJI sim I spent a lot of time in the arena working on fly low and staying over the track. I think If keep my flying conservative I can keep the DJI FPV in one peice for a while but I‘m sure a crash is enavitable eventually. I don’t feel like I have much precision yet; I feel pushing this area will lead quickly to a crash. I’m hoping there will be something eslse that will bind to the FPV controller soon and I can crash that.
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For the experienced FPV pilots, does 20* seem like a good starting point? I’m just getting into FPV. Spent a bunch of time in the sim and now flying in full acro. I can cruise around and get low and make decent turns, still feel like my yaw/banking mix could use work. After some sim time the jump to manual mode didn’t seem too hard. I will say without the sim it would have been an imediate crash. For those flying in the DJI sim I spent a lot of time in the arena working on fly low and staying over the track. I think If keep my flying conservative I can keep the DJI FPV in one peice for a while but I‘m sure a crash is enavitable eventually. I don’t feel like I have much precision yet; I feel pushing this area will lead quickly to a crash. I’m hoping there will be something eslse that will bind to the FPV controller soon and I can crash that.
keeping your angle nice and conservative will help keep speed in check.
My dji fpv only Flys 27.5 m even with cameras tilt at 40+. I think dji has put a speed limit on the drone.
Yes I have tried all the settings, I know what angle mode, m mode, manual mode is and how to fly true fpv. I think dji snuck in a speed limit. Because no matter what I try.... tilt, settings, props, it still only goes 27.5m.
Not at all, I go faster than that most of the time. You're not going to do so in N/S but in manual definitely (the display won't show values higher than 153km/h even if you do go faster than that though).
Maybe you left the angle limit on in manual mode.
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So can any one say, they have flown faster than 110 km/h in M mode on a windless day? I have tried so many times and that is the limit. In a head wind it slows down to 90 km/h and depending on wind speed, it gets up to 130 km/h in a tailwind. Flying in sports mode is 100 km/h in almost every condition. DJI had the neat idea of making you slowly find the end of the green vertical line with the left stick, raise it, until it reaches the centre.
I exceed 80mph (128kph) at will.

But rarely.
In the goggles menu where you enable manual mode there's also a setting for angle limit.

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