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Question about Rise Vusion and Compatible FPV Goggles


Jun 15, 2018
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Hello All,
After messing around with various mini quads for years, I've finally purchased the Rise Vusion 250 to really get my feet wet in this awesome hobby. I'd like to upgrade the FPV goggles (if possible), but I am overwhelmed by the number of options out there. Any recommendations or guidance would be greatly appreciated!
I have a number of the Rise Vusion 250 and HouseRacer stuff, if I knew then what I know now I would have passed on that and spent that money on much better stuff... cheaper, but, it did get me started and in the beginning was more than I could use. That changed fairly quickly and 6 months later it was relegated to the grandkids, and just like me, it was fine for them to start on.

The Vusion 250 vTX is compatible with all the goggles you see out there, it has almost all band/channels that there are and all you have to do is put the goggles on the same band and channel and off you go.

Control is a different animal and there is only a certain RX protocol it uses so a different, upgraded range/capability control transmitter is not something I would do, I simply moved on and up when the time came.
BTW, meant to say also that goggles is a huge variable. The number of different costs, features, to name a few categories is huge and personal preference is what it all comes down to. Figure out what your max budget for them is, watch some reviews to see what the overall opinion is from places like DroneCampRC, UAVFutures and others and try to whittle down to a few that you think sound ok. Then post here what you are thinking and get some feedback on those and other comparable models we all have seen/used and we will try to help steer you towards the better bang for buck models. It is all you can do, it is such a personal decision and probably the hardest one to make. And remember, FPV is an ugly glitchy intermittent thing, nothing makes it perfect, you just go for well rated stuff and learn to fly with it.

I used my Tactic box that came with the Rise, and then went straight to HD3’s 6 months later. They are one of, if not the, most expensive single item you will get in this hobby, you can nickel and dime a fortune working up through the ranks or just buy something that will last you a number of years and be ok. Some of the best pilots in the world fly on cut rate goggles and are winners, it ain’t the goggles that make the pilot, and top notch gear doesn’t make the learning curve much, if any, shorter. it just means you are breaking more expensive equipment when you crash. Goggles and your transmitter are pieces, if picked well, will lay for years and years, but, you can learn to fly with what you have while you do research on what you want in the future.
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Thank you for the info HighTechPauper! I've been using the Tactic box for the past two weeks and am becoming obsessed with the hobby. You made some great points in regards to picking a high quality goggle, and I will post again once I have picked out a few goggles in my budget.
these are good (though expensive) fpv training systems. $375 to try it out isn't too bad and i use those tactic monitors for guests to watch.
id say that if your already sunk into the rise gig than learn all you can before moving on. the rise 250 has a 200yrd range at best for both vid and rc... stay inside your flight envelope and learn/ fly/ crash on the rise gear. i got the FS HD3 and they work just fine with rise gear.
use it up before upgrading... its a decent entry kit.
you'll find better quality allot easier to fly but you get what you pay for. just fly it till the batteries don't charge right.
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That's exactly what I was thinking as I bought this vusion from someone off craigslist for $200! I'll definitely be flying this until it gives out or I am ready to build my own. Thanks for the info on the goggles!

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