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Recording time?


Oct 2, 2022
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When I record to the Avata using the SD card in the drone it records video clips to a maximum of 3:45 seconds and then opens a new file and continues recording for the same amount of time and opens a third file. Am I missing a setting that allows me to continuously record? Thanks for any help.
Nope, all DJI drones (and many other cameras) split files so each individual one stays smaller than 4GB for filesystem/video player compatibility reasons. You can seamlessly merge them afterwards with tools like avidemux.
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Reactions: Texas Red
When I record to the Avata using the SD card in the drone it records video clips to a maximum of 3:45 seconds and then opens a new file and continues recording for the same amount of time and opens a third file. Am I missing a setting that allows me to continuously record? Thanks for any help.
Which SD card? You have slots for two and each of them record in different formats.
Nope, all DJI drones (and many other cameras) split files so each individual one stays smaller than 4GB for filesystem/video player compatibility reasons. You can seamlessly merge them afterwards with tools like avidemux.
Thanks for the information. Cheers
I would say at this point the reason for this is laziness on the part of manufacturers than a real compatibility need. The answer to incompatibility at this point is, upgrade (video player, etc.).

When considering the size of the user base that would truly be impacted by this there is a workaround – break the file up. Just as there are free splicing tools, there are free splitting tools (usually the same tool).

It's time we move forward past this archaic limitation, and inconvenience the tiny minority that still truly needs this for some reason (like ongoing support for FORTRAN source code in some military applications as an example).
Nope, all DJI drones (and many other cameras) split files so each individual one stays smaller than 4GB for filesystem/video player compatibility reasons. You can seamlessly merge them afterwards with tools like avidemux.
I don’t put a SD card in the Drone slot just a 128 G card in the googles. The internal space fills up on the drone quickly then any video or photo will record only to googles. I get video recordings from liftoff to touchdown in 9-10 minutes in S mode

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