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RTH not engaging in manual mode?


Active Member
May 18, 2021
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Started today, I realized that my RTH was not engaging at all. I'm almost sure it was working las weekend but today I got the usual low battery warning at 40 and 20% but RTH never kicked in. I was not flying too far from me but I was at least 300 feet away. I took off in manual mode and I saw the message home point updated and I think I had enough satellites locked in so it should have worked. RTH is still active in manual mode right?
Have you tried initiating a RTH with the button on the controller? I haven't updated to the latest firmware (and I may not, I don't like what I hear about it,) but the RTH button should work in any mode.
Have you tried initiating a RTH with the button on the controller? I haven't updated to the latest firmware (and I may not, I don't like what I hear about it,) but the RTH button should work in any mode.
That was going to be my next thing to try. Hopefully I can get out tomorrow to fly.
I'm pretty sure low battery RTH has always been disabled in manual mode.
You're right. I tested that this morning and auto RTH worked in sport mode but not in manual. Just the low battery warning. Can't believe I never noticed that until now lol.
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I haven't yet tried manual mode, but that's actually a good reason (one of many) to try manual. I dislike the RTH and forced 6 second countdown in Sport mode. Ya have to basically stop and be ready to override if low and not clear air space above to prevent it from triggering RTH. I'm normally taking it home by that time anyway but don't desire it to auto engage... I'll get it home with lower percentage but still ample for a safe return.
What about rth if flying out of range of the controller? Will it still rth in full manual mode?

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