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Save settings in clearflight?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2017
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So I want to try to make some big adjustments in my clear flight for my modes and some settings. Is there any way to export what I currently have so I can reload it later? Or do I have to screenshot every screen?
Looks like they got rid of the backup button. Just need to do CLI dump command and save to txt file.

Thanks will check it out. Want to change the modes to be consistent in all future drones so want to change it now. Also will eventually want to adjust the rates for a bit more Acro flying.

UPDATE: Just in case someone needs the info, found it here:
How to Copy Settings (CLI) Cleanflight

Very simple procedure.
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Also will eventually want to adjust the rates for a bit more Acro flying.

Since I'm still pretty new to quads, what I'm about to say, I haven't had the opportunity to try yet. But I do know that it is possible to do. - Heli pilots adjust all their rates (in the software) to full acro control. Then simply adjust their rates in the transmitter to achieve different flight performances in the field. Advantage to this is not having to connect to the FC in the field. Adjustments can be made in the transmitter (in the field) at any time. DONT make adjustments to the software and the radio and try to fly with them combined. Only use rates in software OR rates in the transmitter.
Since I'm still pretty new to quads, what I'm about to say, I haven't had the opportunity to try yet. But I do know that it is possible to do. - Heli pilots adjust all their rates (in the software) to full acro control. Then simply adjust their rates in the transmitter to achieve different flight performances in the field. Advantage to this is not having to connect to the FC in the field. Adjustments can be made in the transmitter (in the field) at any time. DONT make adjustments to the software and the radio and try to fly with them combined. Only use rates in software OR rates in the transmitter.

I have a flysky radio so not sure I can adjust the rates there. But will take a look.

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