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Totally New

Welcome to the forum REX ?
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Hi Guys

I am totally new in FPV. with a lots of questions. I live close to France.

I have already a radio, a meteor65 and fatshark googles.

I need help to bind the meteor65 to my Taranis. Hopefully, you could help me

This may help... and welcome to the forum and the FPV addiction in general...

hello all

How could actually bind the meteor65 to Taranis X7 FCC version?

I think you need to know if it is a new style radio or old style radio, I don't think the new one can bind to the Meteor since it cannot do D8. In the bottom right corner of the radio screen it should say ACCST or ACCESS, which does it say?
After looking at the Meteor page on the BetaFPV website it looks like that may have an XM receiver, if so then you should be able to bind it. You will probably need to flash the RX and/or the radios Internal XJT Module to a compatible revision of firmware to get it to work since the radio (likely) has rev 2 and the RX (likely) has rev 1, so they are not compatible at this time. Do you have other quads bound to this radio already? Or is the Meteor the first one? Have you ever flashed an RX before? Have you ever flashed the radios XJT module before?
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Thanks a lot for your reply. I have other quads bound to the radio. I would prefer to flash the receiver.

I have one question, how can I know which receiver does the meteor65 has?

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Perhaps look to see what you ordered? Perhaps look at the website? Maybe compare what you have for a RX to the pictures on the Frsky-rc.com website?
Chances are it is a Frsky XM in either FCC or LBT.
I'll ask again since you did not answer... have you ever flashed a RX before.
Hello Pauper

Thanks for your reply.

It was bounded with taranis x9 lite, then I guess, the receiver should be Frsky LBT


After reading everything again it seems as though you had this quad bound to an X9 Lite before, which I am guessing was an LBT version (EU version), and now you have a QX7 that is an FCC version (Non-EU version), plus you already said that you have quads bound to the QX7 so you don't want to change the internal XJT in the radio and would rather re-flash the RX. If so I think it could just be the FCC/LBT mismatch and the radio likely has rev 2.X XJT software. If that is all true you should be able to just flash the XM with rev 2.X FCC version and try to bind it in ACCESS-D16 mode. If that fails I would re-flash the RX with the last version 1.X firmware and try again. I am not completely sure I understand what you have so this is just a guess from re-reading this whole post.

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