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Trouble Setting Up


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2017
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College Station, TX
So I just got my Diatone Tyrant S 215, and I've had my Flysky FS-i6S with FS-iA6B receiver for a while, but I'm having a hard time getting it connected to my drone. The Tyrant only has 4 wires for the receiver (ground, 5+, PPM, and SBUS), which is less than what I was expecting. What should I connect them to?

I have looked at this pin-out that I found online and my best guess is that ground and 5+ can go to any G and V+ pins (I was going to connect them to the B/VCC column), and then the PPM to the S in the PPM/CH1 column, but I'm not really sure about the SBUS one. Would that go to the S in the iBus Servos section?

I'm very confused and not really sure what I'm doing here. I was also able to find this link but I'm having a hard time finding any real instructions.
So do I need to connect the v+ and ground leads to all of the v+ and ground pins on the receiver? As in have those wires split to power the various parts of the receiver, or are those connected internally thus making that redundant?
I just don't want to have to do more soldering than I have to and have lots of bulky wires to strap down.

Also what's the deal with PPM? Why is it not used?
You just ned to power any one of the pins, they are connected internally.

You can use PPM if you want, it just isn't as good. PPM is better than PWM which needs a wire for each channel. But PPM is still analog while ibus and sbus are digital. It should be less jittery on ibus.
That second link you sent me says that I shouldn't connect the ibus pin on my receiver to the sbus pin on my flight controller. So should I leave the sbus lead from my FC not connected to anything, then connect the other 3 to the PPM column?
The sBus lead will not be connected. For either PPM or iBus, you need 3 wires to the receiver: 5V, ground and signal.

If you want to use iBus, you can hook up all three wires from the iBus port on the receiver to the little 4-pin wire harness included with the FC for UART1 or UART2. The signal wire would go to the RX wire of the harness, leaving the TX wire unconnected. Then tell betaflight what kind of receiver. Also tell it what UART has a serial receiver on the ports page.

PWM, PPM and SBus are types of signal protocols , the previous post is the proper way to go , SBus is the better signal over PPM , so only use 5+ , ground and SBus , isolated the PPM wire , look up the pin diagram for your model of flight controller, it will show where you need to solder the wires , and just to be sure your first post says SBus , Right ? Not sure why people switched to Ibus
PWM, PPM and SBus are types of signal protocols , the previous post is the proper way to go , SBus is the better signal over PPM , so only use 5+ , ground and SBus , isolated the PPM wire , look up the pin diagram for your model of flight controller, it will show where you need to solder the wires , and just to be sure your first post says SBus , Right ? Not sure why people switched to Ibus

That particular receiver only does iBus or PPM, not sBus.
Well my RX is ibus, but the pinout I was looking at on my FC had sbus. I failed my perception check and didn't see or consider the UARTs.
Didn't look up model of receiver , so your post is the correct way to go , good luck fiddlebog ,
I hooked my receiver up to UART1, but betaflight warns me about disabling MSP on UART1 (maybe I should have just used UART2?). I assume this is since it is hypthetically the USB connection. However, the diagram for my FC shows the USB as being separate from UART. I have tried setting both UART2 and 3 with the correct ibus settings, but it doesn't show any signs of connection on the receiver tab. My transmitter shows reads the battery level of the receiver, so I assume I wired it correctly.
Are you plugging in the quad battery when testing for connectivity? Usually the FC won't power the receiver off of USB power.

Don't turn off MSP for UART1, that is needed for USB communication. Just move the harness plug over to UART2. That way you don't have to worry about if the receiver will work at the same time as USB. Maybe they would both work on UART1 but I am not sure.
Well I have tried that. When I have the battery and receiver plugged in, betaflight just gets hung on a screen saying "waiting for data" until I unplug something.
I'll try moving it over to UART2.
Cool, now you can get to the "fun" part. Calibrating all the channels to 1000min 1500mid 2000max using the radio menus for subtrim and endpoints. Also you will want to make sure the channels are in the right order (sticks control the right axis) and that none of them need to be reversed (also in radio menu).
I love calibrating things! I just don't like looking at instructions that state "do this and then it will work" and then it doesn't work.
I also already was able to test the motors, and they are all spinning in the correct direction.
I'm still waiting for my goggles to come in the mail from banggood, so I'm hoping to get this set up with angle mode to do some LOS testing.
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