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Using Litchi instead of DJI Fly with the FPV drone? Or is there another way to split the screen on a smartphone?


Jul 22, 2021
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I have a DJI FPV drone and V2 goggles. I also have an iPhone 12 pro, and would love to be able to stream the view from the V2 goggles to the phone, split screen it, and put the phone into a cheapo smartphone dual lens VR headset.

Considering when your phone is connected to the drone using DJI fly you get a live stream along with the goggles, it doesn't sound too far fetched. However, I need a way to enable me to split the screen, so I can put the phone into a dual lens, cheap smartphone VR headset.

If I could use Litchi instead of DJI fly, then this could be done. Does anyone have any suggestions?
There's nothing that can do this at this point, and IMO it's pretty unlikely 3rd party app support will come to the FPV since there is literally nothing to control through an app...
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not understanding WHY you would want to do this. It won't improve the resolution, you won't have on-screen telemetry. What's the purpose?
not understanding WHY you would want to do this. It won't improve the resolution, you won't have on-screen telemetry. What's the purpose?
So I can split the screen and use a smartphone connected to the goggles in a VR smarphone headset, for a cheap version of audience mode.
you don't need to split the screen, there are many fpv goggles with a single screen, you might just need a magnifying lens like the one offered on banged with now for the machine box goggles, In fact you might be able to fabricare a box goggle for your phone either 3D Printed or for that matter out of cardboard
you don't need to split the screen, there are many fpv goggles with a single screen, you might just need a magnifying lens like the one offered on banged with now for the machine box goggles, In fact you might be able to fabricare a box goggle for your phone either 3D Printed or for that matter out of cardboard
Could you direct me to some? I'm talking about a headset for smartphones, not FPV goggles, but if there are some single lens/monoscopic headsets about, I'd be grateful if you could direct me to some, as it's what I'm after.

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