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ViFly R220 wreck (nice slo-mo's included)...


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2016
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Took the ViFly R220 out the other day to see how she flies. Put a 4S on it and took off. I think I need to figure out some decent PID's for this thing because it felt really loose to me compared to my other quads. It didn't take long (about a minute and a half) for me to wreck the dang thing! The camera and the battery cage got beat up pretty good but short of that it seems okay. I can't seem to find much on PID's for this thing and I really haven't learned how to properly tune a bird yet so I'm kind of in limbo right now. I did adjust the rates but I don't know enough about the PID's to change them. Anyway, enjoy a short video of me wrecking my bird!



Will do. I've got it all back in order, just got to wait for another break in the weather. Did it look sloppy to you?

Hi Jerry,
Could you please tell me what PIDs are....

Another great video ...unfortunate result ,great editing...

Thank you keith

That's a huge subject that I'm not able to answer very well just yet. Once my flying gets a bit better it will be my next course of study. This video should at least explain what PID's are and what they do.


Although I don't know you ,you seem to me to e a very bright
Man...that video was very very, helpful!. If it wasn't for you and green, i would have made decisions based on no knowledge...which as we know normally leads to failure.
Thank you very much.

P.s.i have received my radio ,charging ,plate ,battery voltage testers,props, so far should get my fat shark dominator 3 today.

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Will do. I've got it all back in order, just got to wait for another break in the weather. Did it look sloppy to you?


It looked like the nose dipped on a turn, and the quad didn't maintain roll orientation at one point and went back to level instead but I am not sure what commands you were giving so I could be wrong on that one. Adding P would be my first tweak but I am not that great at tuning yet either.

I appreciate your kind words. Forums like these are a fantastic place to gain knowledge and to learn from others. Without them and the individuals that are willing to share their time, knowledge and expertise I don't know if I'd be flying and I most certainly wouldn't be building my own birds now. Remember, I was in the same boat you are just about 5 months ago. I joined this forum when it first came on line because I saw it on the 3drpilots forum but didn't start flying until about last October or November. Hopefully, as you garner expertise you'll share it with others as well.

Great to see that your gear is starting to arrive!


I'll try upping the P next time I take it out. It felt to me like it wasn't coming around quickly enough. Like the ***-end was still drifting outward (towards the right) as I was trying to find the hole between the trees and I couldn't get it pulled around in time to get it lined up. But the whole flight felt loose and sloppy.

I think I saw a website that describes this hobby the best: Build, Fly, Crash, Repeat.

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