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what do i do!!??

sorry dude I have school I'm going to do one more class and get back to and I'm also waiting for the verification from Facebook
@wayno ill talk to you later today about setting up the drone and stuff I got to finish a few things at school and ill give you a wave
Um , a bit. That's an understatement.
Let me say that I seriously doubt there are very few people on DRP that Randy AKA High TechPauper has not helped.
We joined this site at roughly the same time and we clicked immediately. Since then ( a couple of years now ) We speak or text at least once a week.
We have never shook hands and met each other face to face but we are nothing short of brothers and that is due to DRP.
Randy will help anyone looking for advice and I am sure he will continue to do so but sometimes it pays to do a bit of research yourself to speed things up.
I wish you the best in getting things up and running Helpme123 and we are all here to help.
Just do me a favour and do a bit of research on charging and looking after lipo batteries. They are quite safe if you follow some basic rules and treat them well but they can be nasty if neglected.
I have been looking at some videos and I have worked it out myself. So I shouldn't need any more help anymore. also, I have been asking questions mate, about the things I don't understand, like the charger there are not many videos on my charger the only video out there is in Spanish. My radio is a bit hard to find the info myself also.

1. I don't know WHAT the hell I'm doing.
2. There are not many videos out there for the new access qx7 ( The new version)

So if I do research my self I won't find anything Because I don't what to look for that's why I'm asking!

I understand you think I'm asking too many things, but these are specific questions.

also, I know most of the stuff about lipo management because I have RC cars I have experienced fires and many other problems so I am up to date with lipo's once again I am new to fpv
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You will get there, we all started out with questions about everything. The only thing I haven’t learnt from this forum is how not to crash. Not as much these days but when I do, it almost makes the nightly news......
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Ok I'm stuck I followed the video got the files got the SD card in the radio went to the bootloader and now its saying directory is missing/firmware I FOLLOWED falcons video on the qx7 and I went to open tx downloaded it and then stuck it in the radio now it's saying its missing when its in there? I'm really stuck
I can't help you with that tx as I have x9d plus but you may need to sleep on it tonight and maybe if he is free get Randy on ft or messenger and do it online. Trust me don't stress it just takes time to work it out.
You don't have that sd card set up right for sure. I struggle with that side of things as I'm shocking with technology.
Ok I'm stuck I followed the video got the files got the SD card in the radio went to the bootloader and now its saying directory is missing/firmware I FOLLOWED falcons video on the qx7 and I went to open tx downloaded it and then stuck it in the radio now it's saying its missing when its in there? I'm really stuck
Ok, i suggest that you hang fire for a minute and worry about sounds and the like until later. We need to get you up in the air and flying and deal with sounds and all the other nice to have stuff later. We will get you there, you're dealing with a lot of info at the moment and i'm not sure about other people, but i had to start out slowly and build from there.
ok what do i need to do with my reiver plug it in and wrap it in some electrical tape ?

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