Anytime you're running bullnose props or heavy bite props like the 5051's, keep a check on your motors make sure they're not overheatingThanks guys,
It is a sweet bird. I have been flying every day on my property ...(LOW) under and between stuff. Its funny the better i get the more fun it is. The thing i like about the chameleon is it lands flat...doesn't tip or dig props . Oh I wanted to mention that I have first hand experience that the DALPROP 5051 is really great on the DIATONE ...GT200 flys like a locked in car at lower speeds. They really grab the air very very well. I have been using the DALPROP CYCLONE. Which is a really good prop. The props on quads are like tires on rc cars... look at what your going to run on (or) fly around and pick a prop for that type of (track)...
Do you guys understand the bull nose prop idea? Or do you have any thoughts on them..or opinion.
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