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Thanks guys,
It is a sweet bird. I have been flying every day on my property ...(LOW) under and between stuff. Its funny the better i get the more fun it is. The thing i like about the chameleon is it lands flat...doesn't tip or dig props . Oh I wanted to mention that I have first hand experience that the DALPROP 5051 is really great on the DIATONE ...GT200 flys like a locked in car at lower speeds. They really grab the air very very well. I have been using the DALPROP CYCLONE. Which is a really good prop. The props on quads are like tires on rc cars... look at what your going to run on (or) fly around and pick a prop for that type of (track)...
Do you guys understand the bull nose prop idea? Or do you have any thoughts on them..or opinion.

Anytime you're running bullnose props or heavy bite props like the 5051's, keep a check on your motors make sure they're not overheating
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Flew 4 paks in my 6" quad today, was gonna do some tuning but realized i need to wait till i get some bigger packs because it is way too light, the bigger paks will help that and the flight time. Im gonna order some at least 2000mah 4s batteries, maybe bigger. this quad hovers and cruises at very little throttle. its also super responsive, some more weight should balance it out im thinking. I coaxed a video out of the camera im sending back, good riddance....lol. Its posted on youtube and ill post a link when it shows

The video isn't working, it says it's unavailable. Did you make sure it was set to public or unlisted?

Hey guys,
I learned that i can actually fly! I actually took off from my elevated deck and landed in the same spot....unbelievable!
I also learned that if a motor is exceptionally hot it is cooked....gt200 lost a motor ,will have to order a couple more.

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Its the leopard 6'' RIGHT?
Maybe i should get one?

Love the looks of that frame

Its the leopard 6'' RIGHT?
Maybe i should get one?

Love the looks of that frame

yes, its the LX6, theres also a stretch 6", the LS6 if things go well with this one, i may build a LS6. as far as you getting one, thats up to you, i can tell you i love mine, but i built it, so i kinda have to love it...lol
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Yeah, it's working. That sucker screams! The video quality was actually pretty good except for some jello. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks, never really got into the throttle, thinking it's gonna be really fast with a little more weight. The camera was mounted very tight, think the jello was the camera it's self, gonna pick up a gopro soon. Thanks for looking
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Hi Jerry, you mentioned you received a leapord frame a day or two ago,, just wanted to let you know that you don't have to buy a GoPro mount for it that you can use two straps and it works great especially if you put a thin piece of foam between the camera and the frame
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Thanks, Virtue. I already ordered a mount. I think it'll give the GoPro a little more protection.

yeah, i can understand that. just flew a couple paks, just realized im flying the same 6045 3 props.... have been through a couple crashes and lots of scraggle, they are like new. these are the gemfan's, i see why you like them so much Jerry
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so far so good, mine charged up to 16.7v will try to fly them tomorrow
also, looks like the leads are 10 gauge copper, sweet!!!
View attachment 738
Just wanted to say that these batteries are awesome, after probably 40-50 flights, no puffing what so ever. they get pretty hot but with the amount of current they supply, im not surprised. The price leveled out at just under $30, a good price for what you get.
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I'm charging up for a couple Predator X flights. I still haven't changed any motors. But the video noise on my flight goggles isn't nearly as bad as the noise on my DVR goggles.
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FWIW: This comes from my experience with my aerial photography drone fleet. Be careful with carbon fiber props. They are much stiffer than normal props which can cause erratic flight behavior. I choose not to use them with my photography drones. I'm not sure how they'll work with a race drone. Also, be more careful with them, they can really chew things up. Especially skin and muscle!

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After breaking ANOTHER micro all-in-one camera/VTX, I have learned two things for my Predator X build.

1. From now on with these tiny AIO camera/VTXs, I will be putting epoxy around where the lens attaches to the circuit board over the sensor.

2. I will not be waiting for the cloverleaf to break, I will be swapping to a whip antenna right away. This is to prevent the antenna from breaking the lens off, and from ripping the antenna pads off the VTX board.
received some new 6" props today, 6048 3's, made by ideal prop, thinking these may help the float factor on my 6" build

Just did a quick Los test, definately not as much thrust as the gemfans. Maybe ill be able to fly a couple paks in a bit
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