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What is needed to bind Taranis to Inductrix ?

Danny Z

Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2016
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OK, so after yesterdays flying session, which will most likely be the last for a least the next 10-12 weeks between winter and hit or miss spring weather, I find myself wanting to buy the Inductrix and bind it to my Taranis Plus.

I have done enough lurking around and I'm pretty sure I need to buy a Spektrum Orange module ?????

Does anyone have any experience with this ?

Or is it a bad idea all round......??

Danny Z
Yeah you just have to get the module and change a few settings in the tx menu. Or you can supe up the inductrix and put a bee brain in and it slows you to fly acro and you can get a frsky model so you don't have to use a module and deal with lag time.

Oh and furious Fpv also offers a FC for an inductrix.
Thank you for the reply, can you please explain a little more about what is involved in making the Inductrix acro capable ?

also what is involved with installing the bee brain and what do you mean by a frsky model ?

Do you mean I would not need the Spektrum orange module ?

Danny Z
To make the inductrix capable of acro you need to put a new flight controller in it that is able to run cleanflight or betaflight. They are easy to install since everything is plug and play no soldering needed. Like I said you can get a FC from furious Fpv or newbeedrone bee brain. I'm sure there are more but those are the 2 popular ones. Just search for tiny whoop upgrades. They both come with a frsky rx so no need for the orange module.
Oh OK,
I'm not familiar with betaflight or cleanflight, only the KISS GUI, are they difficult to program ?

Danny Z
Ummmmmmmm.....I guess if you're doing it for the first time but they're are plenty of videos to walk you through it.
I really wouldn't recommend the inductrix cause they are really boring and sluggish to fly. If you're anything like me after flying it for a bit you're going to want to upgrade it. I would look into just building a tinywhoop. It's not much more than an inductrix and super easy to order the parts and slap them together. If you get a FC that uses betaflight you most likely won't have to do much in it. By the time you buy the inductrix and buy an FC so you can do acro the price will be above building one with better camera and better motors.
copy that, where do you recomend I buy the parts from..............Tiny Whoop ?
The actual tiny whoop product uses the same stock Fc board as the inductrix so it doesn't have acro.
Awesome !
That's exactly what I was looking for !

I will let you know how it goes !
NewBeeDrone AcroBee
Is that the complete kit ?
or do I need anything else........

I have to tell you...I pre ordered a MOSKITO and they are set to ship out Tuesday. I can't wait.
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I think I need to order the Super Whoop acro kit to get the charger, I dont thinkmy charger is not going to charge that small battery.....
I think I need to order the Super Whoop acro kit to get the charger, I dont thinkmy charger is not going to charge that small battery.....

It will charge it you just need to get a parallel board.

And the MOSKITO is a micro quad that is capable of acro but unlike the other micros it uses brushless motors and esc's. Crazy power for such a small quad.
your making me crazy now !!!! Gonna have to find a way to start hiding all this stuff I'm gonna be ordering...........the wife is gonna kill me !!!!!!

Actually she is awesome about supporting me in this hobby, she actually cant believe how much less this stuff costs compared to 60 sized RC helis !!!!!
600? You mean lol. Yeah I came from helis to. It's nice knowing I can crash and not have to shell out 200$.

But yeah the MOSKITO is pretty expensive but to me after I add everything up and keep in mind it's brushless and first of its kind, it really does come close to that price. I think maybe a price of 25$ less would make it more attractive but I live in Indiana so winter time sucks. I can't wait to start doing crazy acro and racing around indoors. And it's so small I'm gonna find some sweet spots.
I here you, I live in CT, winter sucks, I started flying rc Helis when I was stationed in Germany in 1989, yup, I've been around a while.

My first heli, did not have a gyro...........I did not know any better, by the time the late 90s were here, I had one of the first 'HEADING LOCK" gyros put out by NHP...........That was a game changer !!!!!!

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