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ZEUS F722 & 50A ESC - Motor Movement Issues BF H.E.L.P


Jun 15, 2023
Reaction score
Lee County
My 1st Build - 7 inch

Motor Twitching or Sketchy Movement - Absolutly NOT consistent in Either Scenario "Working or Not"...

Similiar Issue as well.. But I ended up building a new Model - Problem Solved......

Well Kinda..... At that point I was then facing 2 new situations or problems...

1. In BF, I goto test the motors and all of them are on point, Except Motor #3..

when choosing that motor individually and testing its function, it acts totally different than the other 3.. Motor 3 is almost sketchy, or jerky.. Jerk, Jerk, spin for a second, then nothing...

Then again individually, it spins in the right direction, but still blotchy..
What Am I Missing........ This Sucks..

BUT I Can select "ALL" motors and use the slide to control all the motors together, and 80% of the time - motor 3 is indeed in sync as the others. But for whatever reason, it starts skipping or being weird, And then all a sudden its functioning just like the other 3 motors.... Im going Crazy HERE...

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" SORRY - The Motors are the TOSKY RS2205 / 2300KV """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""


* I've Never Messed w/ the VTX tables
* I have'nt verified the FC has the latest FW
* I have'nt checked to see if the ESC is up to date and using the latest FW/Rel
* I have'nt successfully programmed the modes to work with my Tango2 (ONLY Angle & HORIZON) in BF - Piss'n Me Off to No Extent
(Cant find a 3rd box that's labeled ACRO or Air Mode to select for the 3rd button on the B Switch on my Tango2..)
Evan if Im like - NOT suppose to have a 3rd switch or option.... Am I to assume that if Im not in one of those 2 modes, Im automatically in ACRO??????

* I have no Air 03 unit yet.
*$$$ wise, Im a good bit away from being able to afford a set of DJI Goggles... (One Day....)

I m just trying to get this set-up so I can at least start flying LOS..

- Thanks for Your Time
Sorry to hear that. Always very frustrating when something strange goes on. After a break of 5 years I started a build a couple of weeks ago (7") and I must say that things have become easier and there is not much that can go wrong. So I guess you should have a faulty motor or ESC in the stack. Did you look at the Blheli settings?
Man this is gonna sound stupid, But Again, I’m a noob here and wasent aware there was anything that I could use to look at those setting….

Blheli I haven’t messed with….

I guess I’ll google and see what I need to download and how to use….

Anything else I’m missing, or programs or any other kinda software I should already know about?

Thanks, I really appreciate that
BTW, first make sure ESC to FC properly connect (you can check the continuity by using multimeter first, found no beep just replace those cable)

if not,

Four ESC driver shld update again but never update from browser(my pain full experienced) instead of using program, once connect the battery immediately update those ESC driver.

Certain FC will kicked off to match problemed ESC after few minutes (word said lose connection).

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