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🇬🇧 Whoa Nellie!


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2022
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Wheaton, IL
My wife's friend and her son were visiting from England and my wife asked me to fly the drone for them!
You don't have to ask me twice!
It was a quick two battery rip (~6min airtime), here's the 60 second short that features as much of our puppy Nellie as me flying.
Not my most daring YouTube material (and I accidentally left out a scene where I fly over the house), but entertaining nonetheless.

My wife's friend and her son were visiting from England and my wife asked me to fly the drone for them!
You don't have to ask me twice!
It was a quick two battery rip (~6min airtime), here's the 60 second short that features as much of our puppy Nellie as me flying.
Not my most daring YouTube material (and I accidentally left out a scene where I fly over the house), but entertaining nonetheless.

Why is this vertical?

It's a YouTube short, like this video
So....you upload a normal video, and YouTube letterboxes (covers) 2/3 of the video real estate on purpose???

I've had a YouTube channel for years and have produced and uploaded over 900 videos. Not once has YouTube tried to chop off 2/3 of the footage.

And what does the *length* of the video have to do with the aspect ratio??? i.e. "Short." Are people doing this on purpose? It makes zero sense.

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YouTube shorts are different from standard videos. They are less than a minute long and are portrait aspect ratio. YouTube does not edit your video, you need to edit your video to be a short yourself.

YouTube shorts are better viewed on mobile devices and are comparable to Instagram and TikTok videos.
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YouTube shorts are different from standard videos. They are less than a minute long and are portrait aspect ratio. YouTube does not edit your video, you need to edit your video to be a short yourself.

YouTube shorts are better viewed on mobile devices and are comparable to Instagram and TikTok videos.
So people don't orient their phones to match their television or the movie theatre screen or their computer monitor?? Why not? Why not just turn the phone 90° to match every other viewing medium on the planet. It really makes zero sense to me. You're literally losing over 60% of the viewing area by doing this.

I own a flip phone (because I need a phone, not a computer with a phone attached to it). If I'm going to watch videos, I do it at home on a computer monitor or TV like a caveman. I can only hope I'm long gone by the time they start making vertical feature films.

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Why not just turn the phone 90° to match every other viewing medium on the planet.
Because nowadays the majority of viewing devices on the planet (or at least those people use most) are phones that people obviously hold vertically.
Because nowadays the majority of viewing devices on the planet (or at least those people use most) are phones that people obviously hold vertically.
I hear ya. Turning one's phone 90° is pretty difficult...near impossible. Touché.

So....you upload a normal video, and YouTube letterboxes (covers) 2/3 of the video real estate on purpose???

I've had a YouTube channel for years and have produced and uploaded over 900 videos. Not once has YouTube tried to chop off 2/3 of the footage.

And what does the *length* of the video have to do with the aspect ratio??? i.e. "Short." Are people doing this on purpose? It makes zero sense.

Dude, you've made 900 YouTube videos and you're yet to be familiar with YouTube shorts and their 'portrait phone' formatting?

How about you take this as an opportunity to learn something new rather than harass a guy who posted a YouTube short huh?
So people don't orient their phones to match their television or the movie theatre screen or their computer monitor?? Why not? Why not just turn the phone 90° to match every other viewing medium on the planet. It really makes zero sense to me. You're literally losing over 60% of the viewing area by doing this.

I own a flip phone (because I need a phone, not a computer with a phone attached to it). If I'm going to watch videos, I do it at home on a computer monitor or TV like a caveman. I can only hope I'm long gone by the time they start making vertical feature films.

Soooo are you saying that we should then all format our videos to meet your viewing specs?

Get out of your personal echo chamber bud. It's a big, diverse world out there and it's waiting for you.
Soooo are you saying that we should then all format our videos to meet your viewing specs?
MY viewing spec's? I suggest you look at the theatre screen. And then look at your computer monitor. And then look at any full feature film. The 16:9 horizontal video format has been around since the inception of film. I appreciate you crediting me with the spec's, but I have to be honest. They're not my spec's. I didn't come up with them. The industry did. I suggest you hop on board. Or be lumped in with the rest of the ignorant.

You literally have to shoot WRONG to achieve the letterboxing.

Get out of your personal echo chamber bud. It's a big, diverse world out there and it's waiting for you.
Yeah...again...not my spec. I suggest you go to a movie theatre. Or watch TV on a big screen television. Or look at your computer monitor. The format is vertical for a reason. Cutting off 2/3 is NOT "better." It's not even acceptable. As the above video points out, god help us all if the industry goes in this direction. Only in this idiotic world we live in is the removal of 2/3 of anything considered "acceptable."

I suggest you view the film "Idiocracy." And if you watch it on your phone, I suggest you hold it in the proper orientation.

I have noticed that nobody can reconcile why anybody would letterbox out 2/3rds of a screen. All I hear is, "It's new...it's what kids do these days." Not a single person can cite a sane reason for following this trend. Yet here the lemmings are...running off the cliff...all in a row....like good little soldiers. SOMEONE has to stop the madness. If not up to the older, WISER generations, then who??

Just a reminder that it's these newer generations that are giving us new and exciting things like TicTok challenges, TidePod challenges and instruction manuals that tell us not to drink the contents of a battery. It's up to us older generations to discourage this kind of behavior....not carry the torch for it.


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Dude, you've made 900 YouTube videos and you're yet to be familiar with YouTube shorts and their 'portrait phone' formatting?
I'm familiar with them. I just don't see removing 2/3 of anything as an "improvement" or even acceptable. Other than your visage, can you name one other thing you'd be happier with if it were 2/3 less? People purchase big screen TV's to get MORE OF. And now you want to promote chopping away 2/3rds???? You don't see the sheer idiocy in that?

How about you take this as an opportunity to learn something new rather than harass a guy who posted a YouTube short huh?
Drones aren't cell phones. They don't shoot vertically. (God forbid they make that an option). So I was wondering why YouTube would remove 2/3rds of a video. If removing 2/3rds of the video real estate is acceptable to you, well then I guess that's on you. I personally prefer to fill the entire monitor with video footage. I see zero purpose in chopping out 2/3rds.

I have noticed that nobody can reconcile why anybody would letterbox out 2/3rds of a screen. All I hear is, "It's new...it's what kids do these days." Not a single person can cite a sane reason for following this trend. Yet here the lemmings are...running off the cliff...all in a row....like good little soldiers. SOMEONE has to stop the madness. If not up to the older, WISER generations, then who??

Just a reminder that it's these newer generations that are giving us new and exciting things like TicTok challenges, TidePod challenges and instruction manuals that tell us not to drink the contents of a battery. It's up to us older generations to discourage this kind of behavior....not carry the torch for it.


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I'm familiar with them. I just don't see removing 2/3 of anything as an "improvement" or even acceptable. Other than your visage, can you name one other thing you'd be happier with if it were 2/3 less? People purchase big screen TV's to get MORE OF. And now you want to promote chopping away 2/3rds???? You don't see the sheer idiocy in that?

Drones aren't cell phones. They don't shoot vertically. (God forbid they make that an option). So I was wondering why YouTube would remove 2/3rds of a video. If removing 2/3rds of the video real estate is acceptable to you, well then I guess that's on you. I personally prefer to fill the entire monitor with video footage. I see zero purpose in chopping out 2/3rds.

I have noticed that nobody can reconcile why anybody would letterbox out 2/3rds of a screen. All I hear is, "It's new...it's what kids do these days." Not a single person can cite a sane reason for following this trend. Yet here the lemmings are...running off the cliff...all in a row....like good little soldiers. SOMEONE has to stop the madness. If not up to the older, WISER generations, then who??

Just a reminder that it's these newer generations that are giving us new and exciting things like TicTok challenges, TidePod challenges and instruction manuals that tell us not to drink the contents of a battery. It's up to us older generations to discourage this kind of behavior....not carry the torch for it.


...and this guy chose to post as a short. Shorts come in one format. Portrait. Apologies that the world does not conform to your specific requirements for video presentation. Sorry but, not sorry.

That's called diversity man. It doesn't matter what format movies or tv's or sideways cellphones are capable of shooting in. This particular fellow chose to present it as a short in YouTube which offers one perspective. His video, his choice. You post a video, it's your choice. You have a problem with choice?

We get it. You're passionate about how your video is presented to you. Perhaps you take a chill pill and realize that the world does not revolve around you and your petty beefs. So triggered by someone else's artistic choice that you have to go on a long, meaningless speal about the logic of why it bothers you and how it has to be stopped because it bothers you...

...you have bigger issues, I'm sure of it. Always having to be right is just the tip of the iceberg here. Grow up. You're part of the older generation (as you so readily alluded to). Grow up so that you can fit into your older generation shoes there buddy.
...and this guy chose to post as a short. Shorts come in one format. Portrait.
I already addressed this. Behold.
So you still haven't reconciled WHY "shorter chronologically" naturally has to be letterboxed. On what planet does this make any sense? What does one have to do with the other? Are you suggesting that these "shorts" can't possibly be "short" in a horizontal format? Preposterous.

Apologies that the world does not conform to your specific requirements for video presentation. Sorry but, not sorry.
Yeah...again, I addressed this already. Behold.

That's called diversity man.
How is removing 2/3rds of anything "diverse????" Can you cite a single other example of this?

It doesn't matter what format movies or tv's or sideways cellphones are capable of shooting in. This particular fellow chose to present it as a short in YouTube which offers one perspective.
No sir. This isn't YouTube's doing. YouTube just got so sick and tired of wasting bandwidth on letterboxing that they caved a little more than 2 years ago and actually CREATED a format so those who don't understand filming convention and how to hold a phone horizontally would have a home.

His video, his choice. You post a video, it's your choice. You have a problem with choice?
I can "choose" to drive on the wrong side of the road. It doesn't make it "better" or "acceptable."

Choosing to shoot video in a vertical format is a MISTAKE. You don't find great producers and directors taking credit for this great new format they came up with. It was housewives and toddlers with cell phones who didn't understand the conventions of film making who came up with this. Like the film "Idiocracy," after correcting people over and over and over (and even making a video about it), they relented.

I'll just place this here. Please note this video was put out TEN YEARS ago. The industry has been fighting vertical video for a DECADE.

We get it. You're passionate about how your video is presented to you.
I stand with ALL film makers from around the world.

Perhaps you take a chill pill and realize that the world does not revolve around you and your petty beefs. So triggered by someone else's artistic choice that you have to go on a long, meaningless speal about the logic of why it bothers you and how it has to be stopped because it bothers you...
Yes. Sheer idiocy triggers me a bit. Guilty as charged. It's tough watching people shoot video in the WRONG orientation, and then tout it as "choice." Shooting vertical a mistake. You'd be removed from set in a second if you tried to shoot feature films this way.

...you have bigger issues, I'm sure of it.
Not really. This is literally the biggest issue I'm dealing with right now. Life is THAT good.

Always having to be right is just the tip of the iceberg here. Grow up. You're part of the older generation (as you so readily alluded to). Grow up so that you can fit into your older generation shoes there buddy.
You have it backwards. Grow up and hold your phone correctly. It only takes a second. Anybody can do it. More video real estate is better and has been our natural progression over the past century of film making. We're now up to 8K!!! And now the ignorant want to take away 2/3rds of that? How nuts is that? What's the point of that??? There is none. As I stated earlier, NOBODY can reconcile removing 2/3rds of the video real estate. But please, by all means, keep advocating for it.

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I already addressed this. Behold.
View attachment 6486
So you still haven't reconciled WHY "shorter chronologically" naturally has to be letterboxed. On what planet does this make any sense? What does one have to do with the other? Are you suggesting that these "shorts" can't possibly be "short" in a horizontal format? Preposterous.

Yeah...again, I addressed this already. Behold.
View attachment 6487

How is removing 2/3rds of anything "diverse????" Can you cite a single other example of this?

No sir. This isn't YouTube's doing. YouTube just got so sick and tired of wasting bandwidth on letterboxing that they caved a little more than 2 years ago and actually CREATED a format so those who don't understand filming convention and how to hold a phone horizontally would have a home.

I can "choose" to drive on the wrong side of the road. It doesn't make it "better" or "acceptable."

Choosing to shoot video in a vertical format is a MISTAKE. You don't find great producers and directors taking credit for this great new format they came up with. It was housewives and toddlers with cell phones who didn't understand the conventions of film making who came up with this. Like the film "Idiocracy," after correcting people over and over and over (and even making a video about it), they relented.

I'll just place this here. Please note this video was put out TEN YEARS ago. The industry has been fighting vertical video for a DECADE.

I stand with ALL film makers from around the world.

Yes. Sheer idiocy triggers me a bit. Guilty as charged. It's tough watching people shoot video in the WRONG orientation, and then tout it as "choice." Shooting vertical a mistake. You'd be removed from set in a second if you tried to shoot feature films this way.

Not really. This is literally the biggest issue I'm dealing with right now. Life is THAT good.

You have it backwards. Grow up and hold your phone correctly. It only takes a second. Anybody can do it. More video real estate is better and has been our natural progression over the past century of film making. We're now up to 8K!!! And now the ignorant want to take away 2/3rds of that? How nuts is that? What's the point of that??? There is none. As I stated earlier, NOBODY can reconcile removing 2/3rds of the video real estate. But please, by all means, keep advocating for it.


Whaaa. The world doesn't revolve around you.

don't know what to tell ya buddy. It's a diverse planet.

You're not right. Get used to it.

It's okay because neither am I, nor is the guy you're crying about for some strange reason. But, if you enjoy having that hair in your crack then tickle it to your heards content.

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