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1. Landing Light impossible to turn off 2. Motors impossible to stop quickly


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Mar 12, 2022
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1. Landing light always on. Light is hot and a big drain on my flight time. The landing light turns as soon as it is powered on with or without the goggles and control powered on. Ive have tried it all. Default set to auto and worked good at first. I reset to light to Off did no good. I refreshed all Firmware all three parts did no good. And why is the light option greyed out until the motors are armed seems a bit of unnecessary danger there having spinning sharp blades or be flying it and then mess with that light setting in flight wtf?? That option should never be grey non accessible setting wtf?

2. Motors don't stop with CSC command. CSC command will start them and manual says CSC command will stop the motors or pulling throttle all the way down can. But I keep my throttle adjusted for M mode and pulling down when it is down don't cut the motors. I found I have to rev them up, not lift off then throttle down again and they finally stop. Video link in cloud shows my drone motor using CSC to start and try to do same command to stop. LINK>> 20220208_141802.mp4 . Now if I did have a toddler or pet heading towards sharp spinning blades that don't like to slow down under the load of slicing and dicing. >There needs to be a fast motor kill to drop it in flight or on the ground.

Does anyone else have a landing light that wont turn off???
For the LED you might have it assigned to a remote button, which would override the menu setting. If not do so and turn it off from there.

For the CSC it's likely because your aircraft is on a dodgy surface and can move, if it's on a proper hard surface it should work. Enabling "Emergency propeller stop" might make it work even if unstable.
1. Landing light always on. Light is hot and a big drain on my flight time. The landing light turns as soon as it is powered on with or without the goggles and control powered on. Ive have tried it all. Default set to auto and worked good at first. I reset to light to Off did no good. I refreshed all Firmware all three parts did no good. And why is the light option greyed out until the motors are armed seems a bit of unnecessary danger there having spinning sharp blades or be flying it and then mess with that light setting in flight wtf?? That option should never be grey non accessible setting wtf?

2. Motors don't stop with CSC command. CSC command will start them and manual says CSC command will stop the motors or pulling throttle all the way down can. But I keep my throttle adjusted for M mode and pulling down when it is down don't cut the motors. I found I have to rev them up, not lift off then throttle down again and they finally stop. Video link in cloud shows my drone motor using CSC to start and try to do same command to stop. LINK>> 20220208_141802.mp4 . Now if I did have a toddler or pet heading towards sharp spinning blades that don't like to slow down under the load of slicing and dicing. >There needs to be a fast motor kill to drop it in flight or on the ground.

Does anyone else have a landing light that wont turn off???
The video looks like what would happen if the right stick was not pulled all the way back and to the left. Can you try it using both hands?

Also, it's unclear where the FPV is. It looks like it's on a glass table. What are those brown/beige arcs?
In m mode, double press the stop button for an instant motor stop.

As stated, assign your light to the c1 button, and simply press till off displays on your screen.
Better yet - don’t start the motors where a possible mishap could injure a pet, toddler or otherwise vulnerable person.
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