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A little flying with Raymon's frame and the BetaFlight AIO FC...


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2016
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I'm sure you guys are getting tired of my unedited training videos but I've got another. This one is also unedited but not quite as long as some others. It features Raymon's (if you don't know who Raymon FPV is, do some research) frame and the BetaFlight AIO FC. These are some of my very first flights with no tuning. That's going to be my next endeavor. The bird is smooth as silk, anything that shows it differently is all on me, the pilot. This is also on a 3S battery. I'm having a great time learning to fly and build these things. Very different from the aerial photography stuff I'm more accustomed to. Any tips or tuning suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


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Hi Jerry,
Nope not tired at all!!! Learning is great ....
That is a different bird yes? Not the GT2? I was hoping you would fly though that hole in those trees by the dense on your property...looked like you were headed there and changed your mind....

Any way
Thanks for the vid

Yes, this is a different bird. I just built this one from scratch and this is one of my first flights with it. I bought the frame from Raymon (RaymonFPV) and got all of the components from various sources. You should check out some of his videos in the "Photo and Video" section of this site.

The flying is coming along Jerry, you are better than me at flips, I need to get outside and try some of those. I need a new flying space though, I am afraid I will fly off the golf course and hit a house or something.
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There is definately a learning curve to these things. So very different from the aerial photo stuff I've been flying. I don't know if flying so many different birds at this stage is a good thing in the long run. I'm hoping that it will better train my coordination by trying to adjust to the different characteristics of each bird.

Always enjoy watching your training videos (maybe do a training montage). I get jealous at how much open space you have to fly in. The farm near me I can fly at is very small compared to your area.

You acro work is coming along nicely. Rolls and flips are good. I like the delayed flips, although keep in mind that if your camera isn't level, the when your hanging upside down - your not level either. But your doing a great job catching it and recovering.

If you want to try some new tricks, look up a Split S. I was practicing them today and am getting to like them a lot. Basically is a roll to inverted, and then pull back to level. Reverses your flight pretty quickly.

Another one I tried today for the first time was a power loop. Go close to full power and slowly pitch up....when your about 80 degrees nose up kill the throttle and slowly recover (or fast if you need to). Done right it looks cool.

If your really daring, go for a yaw inverted spin. Basically roll the drone upside down, hit yaw left or right full speed for a couple rotations, then recover.

I would recommend you try these in the simulator first (I use DRL sim since it's free). Also look up youtube videos of the stick movements of these and practice. It's always fun to learn new tricks.
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