Ok, a couple things...
That is his "very rough" gear list, I know for a fact that he is mot running those goggles anymore for instance, but the HD3 perform the same as what he is using. His RapidFIRE (same I run) is better than laforge but it likely is NOT night and day different. He is running great antennas and I happen to use the original Mad Mushroom also just not the Crosshair Xtreme, and I can guarantee he has a TBS Triumph V1 on the quad, so his vRX and antennas are better BUT...
That is not the DVR from his goggles, that is a stand alone ground station with a good H.264 @ 60 FPS DVR, many advantages to that (like the antennas always point the same way and don't move with your head, away from the head wich is a big RF blocker, etc etc) but I guarantee that is not from his HDO2's DVR. Also he is again guaranteed to be running a TBS Unify of some kind that will do at least 800mw, so that helps too.
Now some other things...
He is a pro and a quad God in this hobby, he has new cutting edge stuff all the time since he and Trappy (Raphael Pirker who owns TBS) are best buds, and Trappy even helped him launch Ethix and is a part owner with Steele and Eric Konetski (KonastyFPV), it is hard to try and match what they have.
Those links are not the gear he is running at this exact moment in time, it is a rough idea with "sponsored" links so he gets a small commission if you click ANY of them and then buy ANYTHING within like 24 hours after clicking (unless you click someone else's link like Bardwell or something).
He is not really flying far away at all, and there are a ton of holes in the building facing him that lets the RF shoot out, but I can guarantee he is using top of the line VAS antennas (he and Alex Grieve VAS owner are also good friends. There are a dozen other reasons why yours may not be quite as good, but if you were to spend the money, do spectrum analyzer checks, set yourself to the best frequency (based on exact center frequency of the antennas etc) that you would get there.
Just as a few observations on the differences, there are more, but this is a start.
Me and Steele at the FAA protest with ForeverMoore in the middle taking the selfie (can't remember his real name or FPV handle, just his media company name)