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Central MN Noob


New Member
Aug 15, 2021
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Hey All,
Totally new to FPV with a Holybro Kopis 2.5 HD. It's been an adventure so far.... lot's of learning. I've got almost 100 hours on an Inspire 2 that I use for a small business and an additional 40 or so hours on a Mavic Pro, but this is a whole new ride. I'm really enjoying it despite being a bit too aggressive and breaking things right of the bat (see my thread in the Propulsion section).
I'm looking to use the Kopis to become a better drone pilot and for interior shots or in tight wooded areas where the Inspire 2 is a liability.
If interested, here's my website with links to other media. www.krusealtitude.com
Welcome to the forum 👍
Welcome to the forum! :)
Welcome to the forum! :)
I’m pretty new to this so let’s get me started. Obviously drones are in the news but I don’t want to get on my political soap box. So
Here we go. For som time I’ve been interested in fob and drones. I have flown giant scale warbirds for a long time and flew pattern back in the old days probably before many of you were born. So I’ve been around. I had gyro then auto pilots when they were not cool. In a big Warbird it was unthinkable. But I’ve done a lot of “impossible things in my life

So I’ve been looking around for a large scale drone. Not for spying on neighbors but for pure enjoyment of my hobby. There are some very expensive ones more directed at a commercial market. That doesn’t interest me at all. I’d just like a nice replica scale of s real military drone possibly to fly in scale events I would like to use fob as I think it would help my vision issues especially at distances. I’ve investigated various radios and required equipment but since I’m a green horn I need some direction. I’d like balanced controllable flight possibly basic navigation possibly pre programmed flight path.
So how about some suggestions. I try to respond as quickly as possible
Thanks byron nelson if you want a direct email just post here above al no Facebook messenger or social media.
thanks again

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