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Cerberus Trifecta - Cerb v2 newbe build

I'm unsure how to get the 4in1 esc on the micro back to original. ill look it up and start from scratch. should be interesting. i was certainly humbled today and the micro is off the flight line.
That is a bummer... I have heard tales of old, when there were giants upon the earth, of blheli suite reading some ESCs that blheli configurator would not. I don't even know if they have blheli suite anymore, but it might be worth a try. My only other idea would be to try an FTDI adapter, instead of FC pass-thru.
the esc 4in1 is a cicada 10a and should be dshot600 ready. ill try that but i need to dissect it again and check wires/ solder. Will be the right opportunity to hook up the mnova vtx correctly so i can get those features. I'm considering mounting the mnova to the back of the runcam split micro. there is supposed to be a mounting plate available but i haven't sourced it on its own. that will shorten the stack even more. i will have four new motors in it and we'll see. meanwhile, gonna finish the wiring on the 5" vtx tonight after work... start this vacation tomorrow with a maiden if im good and lucky. it's all loaded and set up to fly, just no video and is not leaving the ground till its right.
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I had a flight controller (emax femto) where 3 motors worked fine on dshot, but one motor did not work at all. It turns out one of the motor pads couldn't run dshot because it didn't have a timer or something. I had to remap it to the LED pin for it to work. Anyways just saying sometimes dshot can do weird stuff. If something goes wrong I revert to multishot for for troubleshooting.
quick question, if #4 motor goes on a 4in1 (micro) would that keep the esc from showing in blhellisuite/blhelli configurator? or is it more likely i hurt the 4in1?
i was getting the roll of death but since loaded dshot 600 and #1 through 3 are running fine. could it be the motor or should i order a new 4in1?
i tried single and multi shot and the other three load then fine. it's simply not talking to #4 and... its a 4in1 so... replace?
what tests can be done other than plugging in a new motor?
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quick question, if #4 motor goes on a 4in1 (micro) would that keep the esc from showing in blhellisuite/blhelli configurator? or is it more likely i hurt the 4in1?
i was getting the roll of death but since loaded dshot 600 and #1 through 3 are running fine. could it be the motor or should i order a new 4in1?
i tried single and multi shot and the other three load then fine. it's simply not talking to #4 and... its a 4in1 so... replace?
what tests can be done other than plugging in a new motor?
Sometimes you have motor #'s 0-3 and no #4
IOW, 0, 1, 2, 3 four motors
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just got the 5" finished. has video now. btw. flynoshop got back to me... even posted a YouTube vid to show me the other vtx works. i messed something up. its on the way back with a 3d printed hood and a new (pricey *****) cicada 4in1.

here's how the 5" wiring turned out..
15137150857201521580347.jpg 15137152201911961946812.jpg 15137152493872101623094.jpg
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Seems like you have 3 good motors and esc's, if you are not running any port peripherals then it may truly be a bad esc or motor, Before I did anything I would remove the motor from 4 and see if the esc talks then, and probably swap with a known good motor off of one of the other 3 on 4 to make sure it isn't both the motor and esc before I started ordering parts. In all likelihood, if you have already looked at the motor winding with an ohm meter, it is going to be an esc, motors are pretty simple beasts and pretty robust except for bending bells so I doubt it's the motor.
yea, i tried another motor and also withought a motor. no connection. problem is I'm not sure what broke it (4in1) i thought it was the cicada 10a but find now its the 20a version.
i have a laser heat sensor and used it continuously through all the flights with the micro. 3s was running the motors to 115deg F. hot but not destructive. it's when i went to cool the motors by reducing start timing from .5 to .2 that this issue with #4 started causing "death rolls". probably unrelated to the change and more to hitting trees

anyway, i have a new 4in1 on the way and four new brother motors in boxes waiting. I'll rebuild it with a few additional changes.

meanwhile, back to work but hoping to get the 5" configured this afternoon.
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ok, question, can i just copy the cerb mini model on my turanis x9d to a new model, rename it and bind it to the 5" ... and keep all the settings, including the switches and logical switches.. voice and all that.
could it be that easy?

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