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Cerberus Trifecta - Cerb v2 newbe build

hey Futura, about your lines in video... where are the grounds for your cam and VTX, regardless of what voltage from where is powering them I always take all the grounds back to the battery negative. Seems to keep my noise down. Just a thought buddy!
Heck Futura, not sure I know for sure either. Bardwell said to always take the camera and vtx ground to the same ground location, I just figured the least isolated ground location is battery ground itself. Maybe it is just moisture in the atmosphere at that time. But if all else fails maybe it would be worth a shot to see if it helped. I also know many add caps to filter noise and reduce voltage spikes also. I guess it just takes some trial and error, but as long as I could see I would fly it for a while to see what's what with it.
thanks brother, your right, i need to fly it more... **** shame lol.
what an awesome hobby. i never thought at this time Id ever "climb inside" and fly.
so many maiden flights... nothing like this

i found this pic night before the 5" maidened. cool hobby but
there were allot of bad builds. this one was extra special. tube socks and all
please explain?

Was thinking a low esr cap added across the battery leads. If you look in many builds you will see that many add a low esr capacitor to clean up voltage spikes sagging and noise.

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I'd be surprised if you need to adjust your pids with RF, why are you considering pid adjstment? Any particular twitch or sluggishness in the response? I do recomend a high idle and of course adjust your rates. If it still drifts after you adjust idle and rates, it'll be your "I" value that needs adjusting more than likely
first, i found the 5.8 antenna wasn't seating completely cause the roll cage is 4mm. i had to carefully remove the antena (needed a stiff drink after... new replacement vtx) from the vtx and run it back through that 4mm cage piece. i then mounted the base connection with screws.

i found the antena was still spinning when tight against the cage piece and the brass bracket. it had to move and be right before i could proceed.

just flew but not the solution. at least its mounted stronger. ill apoxy that antenna joint once i know it's working. 20180113_170657.jpg 20180113_170657.jpg
it flies beastly.. still a little slow but not as much "drift" after a hard stop move. I'm being timid in my rates changes. no pid changes yet.

on the micro... its getting a brand new cicada 4in1 and fresh wiring. no issues prepping for the rebuild. last night i shortened the stack by 3mm that i needed. two of the old motors were good but it gets four new motors with refresh.

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