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Cerberus Trifecta - Cerb v2 newbe build

Re-tuning for different props is, in my opinion, unnecessary. Sometimes a motor gets wore out or damaged and i'll re-tune for that but usually once tuned, i'm done tuning. I think most people overthink tuning, once you "play" with your tune a bit you realize that tuning isn't the monster everyone thinks it is.
I use Dal cyclones 5045-3 blade props for large areas and the Dal 5040-4 blade props i posted a link to above for proximity (tight area) flights. I don't re-tune when i change back and forth. I tune my quads with the cyclones because my motors run hotter with them. The 4 blade props are good for scraggle, very tough and are easier on your motors.
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Also, if you pay attention when you watch flight videos you will notice that folks like Mr Steele use four blade low bite (5040-4's) 4 blade props for stability (necessary for good video)
4 blade props are ordered.
the reason i mention tuning... the mini is tuned tight and high on the 3" 3 blade props i use. 1516721480672651904864.jpg
when i put on these more aggressive blades it shakes... motors heat... to much D gain and probably P as well?
and the BN props are unusable with this tune. it's tuned so tight to those props i think. the mini 3" was a BNF and tuned by Josh....
if its a tight tune.. i guess for smaller quads, blade type changes do require tune changes. at least that's my guess and why i asked.


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when i put on these more aggressive blades it shakes... motors heat... to much D gain and probably P as well?
That's why I tune with the more aggressive props, but yes, lower P by 20 percent and try it out, adjust from there. May want to screenshot your pids before tuning, you can always return them to original. No reason to be afraid to tune, just keep a feel for hot motors and record your starting pids.
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the mini uses raceflight. i barely just learned betaflight (got the hat)
it flies so well on those blades. the BN blades i got with a setup i first bought from the LHS.. i returned everything but those BN blades.
your right... if i put on more aggressive blades, ill have to tune down. right now we get a little "shake" at the top of 75c 4s batteries. not much on 45c 4s. after 20sec flying, shake calms down
i would think that's a tight tune deal so planing ahead.
need to get off raceflight but...
maybe once the micro 2" is back in the active lineup ill decommission the mini and.... hopefully improve it.

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