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Crashed my Cinelog25 analog. Now won’t arm and stuck in DFU


New Member
May 19, 2022
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Hi all,

After practicing flying in acro with the Tinyhawk for three months daily. I finally dared buying a proper whoop. Ordered the Cinelog25 and waited impatiently for a month to receive it, looking forward to flying it.....

Crashed it in 3 days.

After trying a powerloop (on my last flight of the day of course) I crashed it into the grass. Battery was unplugged on impact but I also disarmed immediately. One arm was bent causing the props to get stuck against the prop guards. I could bent the arm back pretty easily but...

When trying to arm, nothing happens. When switching on the beeper, no sound is made. When powering on the quad I only hear the first three beeps, not the second serie of beeps I normally here when powering on. When I connect to Betaflight it shows it to be in DFU Mode. When I press 'exit DFU mode' the quad is disconnected. So no means to run diagnostics in Betaflight (as far as I know). The radio does seem to connect because it buzzes when I unpower the quad.

I just disassembled the quad as far as possible without desoldering to have a better view on the FC because I read stuff about the boot button. Maybe it got stuck on impact? But I'm such a noob that I'm not even sure what the boot button. I don't see any dirt on the board or any damage that would be even clear to me.

What to do??? I'm willing to (learn how to) solder but that's not really helpful if I can't identify the problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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