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diatone GT2 2OO help needed-- F3 Board not connecting


Sorry, I'm on a tight schedule right now and couldn't get back to you last night. The link I sent you to the other forum should be of some help. I want to say that someone else had a similar issue that got addressed on those pages but I've got a few different birds so I just cant be sure and I don't have the time right now to search through the thread. As far as the XSR board, it sounds correct but I used a different board on mine. If you had announced this problem before you ever got into Betaflight I'd have pointed you in the direction of the drivers since your problem initially sounds like a driver install problem. What screws that up is that you were communicating in Betaflight, you attempted to go from PPM to Serial (SBus), saved the change and then communication was lost. Unfortunately, I think you're going to have to back up, take your time, be patient, and work forward again. The steps that I would take at this point is to go back and look at the link I sent you for the other forum, it may take an hour or two to read through the thread but there is a lot of GT2 specific info in there. I'd also go back and recheck the driver setup, starting with this link:

A cautionary note, make sure you leave your antenna connected to your VTX any time you apply power to this (or any other) bird. Many folks have burned up this particular VTX before they ever even got the bird set-up. There have been many reported issues with the FC on this bird. It was an early version of the FC and Diatone has been very good about replacing bad boards. I got my bird about a month or so ago and I haven't had any issues with my FC but who knows how long yours may have been in the pipeline. I also bought mine directly from DiatoneUSA (DiatoneUSA.com) so they've been very helpful with a few of the minor issues I've had. I found them more responsive when I called during normal business hours, rather than by email (1 (256) 275-4276).

I hope some of what I've posted helps.

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Did you check out that last video? You may need the other two drivers, not just the VCP driver I linked before. And he shows you how to do the config for the zadig one. I bet following his steps will get you going again.
Did you check out that last video? You may need the other two drivers, not just the VCP driver I linked before. And he shows you how to do the config for the zadig one. I bet following his steps will get you going again.
when the GT2 WAS talking to betaflight, I never saw VCP in the ports, it was only ever UART1, 2, &3. So I dont think the Zadig process will help since i think this quad is on a cp210 chip (as the video describes)
just confirmed, when I connect the board in bootloader mode, it shows CP2102 TO UART bridge controller. Thinking outside the box here, what if the UART port that is the usb got switched to off or serial when it rebooted the board, could that be why its not communicating? and if that was the case, how can i check and/or fix it?
If you turned off MCP on that port on the ports tab, it would cause the connection issue. Reflashing would fix it. But nothing you can do should mess up the boot loader. It seems likely that there is a driver problem to me. Have you been able to uninstall both drivers? Then reboot PC and reinstall both.

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