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diatone GT2 2OO help needed-- F3 Board not connecting

Also, once you get connected again, to do s.bus, you need to set the right UART (UART1 for that board I think but I could be wrong) to serial_receiver on the ports tab.
Also, I got from the video that the DFU won't show in the drop-down unless you install zadig, even if your chip does VCP internally.
just reinstalled and restarted everything, zadig shows the board as CP210 to UART. betaflight still cant connect, same errors given
I'm between trips so I cant be on long. I do have Zadiag installed on my Win 7 & Win 10 machines. I'm not sure if it was required for this bird or not but I am certain that I do have it installed.


PS a video clip of the bird as you're booting it up may be helpful.

I do know that I read somewhere or saw something n YT that if you change UART1 it will cause a problem where it won't connect. Now that you've done all of this other stuff why don't you disconnect the VTX and don't even bother trying to connect with Betaflight. Just go back to Betaflight and see if it will let you do a flash. Use SPRACINGF3, Full Chip Erase and Manual Baud Rate set to 256000.


I do know that I read somewhere or saw something n YT that if you change UART1 it will cause a problem where it won't connect. Now that you've done all of this other stuff why don't you disconnect the VTX and don't even bother trying to connect with Betaflight. Just go back to Betaflight and see if it will let you do a flash. Use SPRACINGF3, Full Chip Erase and Manual Baud Rate set to 256000.

tried flashing it, got the error no response from bootloader
YAHTZEE BOYS!!! we have successful reflash. I swapped out to ANOTHER USB cord, and I set the thing to autoflash as soon as connected, AND held the boot button THE WHOLE TIME it was flashing and it was successful. now Im back into betaflight and ill be following the setup instructions we outlined earlier in the thread (thx jerry) and hopefully we will get this bird airborne
Awesome! I can't find a good manual which says what UART is used for the serial receiver. You need to figure out which is the right one, and set it in the ports tab before you can use s.bus. maybe you can tell from which plug it uses and a board label.
Mine uses UART3. In any case, don't turn off MSP on whatever UART that is on. If UART1 is MSP, I am probably wrong about that being the UART for serial receivers.
Yahoo!!! Good for you!

Follow that PDF to the letter. I tried the 2DogRC settings and they didn't work well for me. On the BLHeli stuff I did not reflash my ESC's since they were already on the correct version. I did, however, read and write the new data from the PDF to the ESC's. I screwed up at one point and failed to verify the rotation of the motors and had a scary moment. So make sure you check them or you'll get this:

If you set it up properly, you should get this:

ok so im back to where I was before, having issues on the receiver page of betaflight. the inputs are all static and not moving when i toggle switches or move the sticks on my taranis. the rest of the setup is going smoothly.
I guess I'd carefully recheck your XSR wiring. I didn't use that TX so I can't verify the correct connection. Should be simple enough but some have reversed the wires on other TX's. It's always the simple stuff that gets us. Also make sure your Taranis Plus Mode is set up like it is in this video at around the 2:15 mark.


OK checking back in, finally got the taranis talking to the bird and confirmed through betaflight, I had to set UART2 to MSP, and UART3 to serial. Got my fatsharks unboxed, and my 5GB reciever set to "race" not sure if that is correct or not, but im getting a clear picture. Now I have to tidy up the wires somehow, charge my battery, and install the props. Thanks for the help so far. I understand the props are directional, how do I know which goes where? (total noob question, I know)
Front left and rear right motors spin CW. Other two spin CCW. Put the writing on the props facing up, and arrange them so they push air down while spinning as above. Spin them a slowly by hand to help visualize which way they will push the air.

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