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diatone GT2 2OO help needed-- F3 Board not connecting

Its been raining in san diego, so all ive been able to do is hover and navigate around downstairs, but she seems responsive. just have to wait for it to dry out here SIGH...

That's too bad, Man! Not trying to rub it in but I'm in Galveston now and finally got a decent day to do some flying. Got to blow off about 20 batteries on the beach. Barely anyone down here so I had the beach pretty much to myself. A little scary flying around salt water though. Any of my birds drop in the ocean and that bird is done! Had a blast though. Flew the GT2 and the X-Speed 250B. At some point I must have managed to clip the end off of one of the TX antennas. I didn't notice it until I cleaned them up after flying but I did get an RSSI warning a few times. I think because of the clipped antenna. Hope your weather changes soon! My GT2 seems to perform pretty damned good.

Hello guys i have the exact same problem. And i have tried everything including switching the usb cable and pc and nothing has worked for me.

Welcome to the forum! What happens if you try to flash the board with Betaflight? Does the bird fly now?

yup i have tried to flash the board. And i got the same problem as TikiFPV. "No response from the bootloader, programming: FAILED"
Thanks for fast answer ;)
Yes i have tried another usb and another usb cable i even tried on a different pc. And i have downloaded all of the drivers in the video. but i just can't connect the bird to betaflight.
Thanks for the help i really appreciate it i'm kind of desperate here XD
I think you are right theGreenOrange. it's probably broken. I have contacted Bangood where i ordered it from so all i can do now is to hope bangood can resend me an new flight controoler or a new Diatone
Thanks for the help guys :)
i was refunded 83 usd as compensation from bangood. I dont know if thats good or bad :confused:
Just got my Crusader yesterday. Got it all configured in Beatflight. I may have turned off UART1. When I plug the USB cable in I get a blue LED and the red one flashes a few times and stops. Now I can't connect anymore. I'm using a Mac. I haven't tried holding the button fine and autoflash yet.
Is the same com port still showing up as before? If not, something probably went wrong with the drivers. Try going through the Joshua Bardwell video posted above, that should get you going.
Turned out it was the USB extension that came with the kit. Removed that and all was good.

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