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each one falcon 250 pro


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
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Hello. I just got it. I put the blades on correctly. I watched a video. It did not lift off well. It flipped back. I would not take off smooth like in videos. Then again flipped and smoke came out in the front. Now when I plug in the battery it beeps and does not stop. The lights don't come on . I did not see any thing burnt. Any thoughts on what burnt. Thanks
Which board is the ESC. Do you think it was defective before burning. Nothing really happens to short out. Where can I get it. Thank you
It is the small board directly attached to the motor. There should be four of them. See what kind it is, look on Amazon or banggood for a direct replacement.
The smoke came out the front of the body not the arm.how will I know if one is bad. Or could my problem be something else. All the motors move a little when it is continuously beeping. Thanks again
The smoke came out the front of the body not the arm.how will I know if one is bad. Or could my problem be something else. All the motors move a little when it is continuously beeping. Thanks again

If you let out the magic smoke, there should be a nice tell-tell sign in the form of a black smudge. Magic smoke usually leaves a foot print where it exit's.
I cut the shrink wrap off and opened up the top and nothing is burnt. I work with boards in HVAC all the time. I would expect to see something
Is there a place to send it for repair. I will contact Banggood to see about return. What reasons do I look for with my meter
Measure the voltage across the two large wires going to each ESC. They should be the same voltage as the battery. This will tell you if the PDB is working. Then check your flight controller supply voltage and see if it is 5V.
The large wires 11.5 or so bat power seems OK how do I check the esc. I am a trouble shooter .
Do the ESCs say BLHeli? It so, connect flight controller USB. Install Google chrome browser app for cleanflight or betaflight (whichever you have). Install drivers from intro page. Connect to your FC in the app. Install BLHeli software frm the web and open BLHeli suite. See how many appear.
Good one I control huge equipment with computer. I will try to install it. Thanks every one.
My computer won't open I don't know the port. I hit auto connect but nothing.
My computer won't open I don't know the port. I hit auto connect but nothing.

What software are you running? Is it the same software already installed on the flight controller?
My computer uses windows. It is a HP 2 years or so. I don't know about the flight controller.
I should have said install drivers before plugging in FC. Plug it in, look in device manager for the USB device. Uninstall the driver. Then install first two drivers from cleanflight app and plug in the FC.

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