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Eachine 220 Wizard

Arkansas Drone Pilot

Active Member
Mar 10, 2016
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Guess you can not remove a thread if you want and started the thread.
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Eachine Wizard X220 FPV Racing Drone Blheli_S F3 6DOF 2205 2300KV Motors 5.8G 48CH 200MW VTX ARF

This is the drone I bought from Banggood and it did not come with a Controller, big mistake on my part, as I am now trying to find a controller and receiver that will work with the Quad itself.

As you can see, it came with a F3 6DOF flight controller, which I have no experience with. If I need to buy a whole new Receiver/Controller combo, no problem, just point me in the correct direction. On opening the Wizard shell, I did not find a Receiver with antenna wires coming from it. So until I can find a controller and receiver that will work, the Wizard is shop table bound. thank for any help or suggestions.

You can use basically any receiver/controller with a 6d0f. It supports s.bus, ppm, pwm, etc... I use a Radiolink AT9S with mine and am very pleased.
Your Radiolink AT9S still requires a receiver inside your drone, do you know what receiver your using? Have you taken your drone apart or did you buy it as a Ready To Fly unit? Thanks for getting back with me on this.
Your Radiolink AT9S still requires a receiver inside your drone, do you know what receiver your using? Have you taken your drone apart or did you buy it as a Ready To Fly unit? Thanks for getting back with me on this.

My controller came with an R9DS receiver, which is what I am still using. You also might consider the AT9 (non-S) which is similar but without FHSS (freq hopping spread spectrum). If you need a smaller receiver you can get an R6DS or even smaller R6DSM for $20. But there are some inexpensive controller/receiver combos from different brands too like FlySky and Spektrum, etc. I built mine myself on a 230mm Alien frame and the relatively large R9DS fits just fine.
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Trying to remove post of mine.
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got mine a few days ago. mine came with air mode on horizon and angle. but i reconnected it and now it doesn't say that lol. anyways does anyone knows what fc is this besides an f3 mine comes up with beta flight 3.0.1 and srf3 as the fc. any information on this im a total noob and getting the hobby after years of 1/8 offroad
Was trying t0 access b heli suite but then again a **** noob trying to learn. Any good pids for noobs on the wizard 220?
Twitchy as hell i mean is what meant to go i get it. Il put it back t0 stock and find a big field to do LOS. And see if i can control my gat fingers lol
Funny thing i plug this on mu dezktop and shows i got airmode with horizon but in my laptop it doesnt show it ar all. Maybe cux i messed with the pids.
Don't mess with the PIDs yet (especially if you haven't saved a backup of the FC settings yet). Start by lowering your rates by about 30% or 50% and see how that goes. Also, you probably want a bit of an exponent curve to your throttle if it doesn't already.
Will do i dint make a back up but took pics of everything before changing it
Cool beans i like that then again i should try to fly more and mess less with everything lol
Yeah, just lower the rates. I think I have mine at .45 or something. But I fly Rate mode only and haven't messed with airmode yet because I'm not doing any stalls yet. Maybe soon though xD

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