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Eachine VTX03 with VR007 goggles no picture


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2017
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Hey guys,
I just finished building my 5" martian II drone. I'm still slowly setting it up but I'm having problems getting a picture on my VR007 goggles. I'm using the Eachine VTX03 and Eachine wizard X220 camera. Gee all being Eachine you'd think it would all just work lol. I have tried changing channels on the VTX but the best I can get is alot (alot) of lines. You can sort of tell there is a picture there but you can't distinguish anything.

Is there a specific channel/band I need to set it to? And also 25/50/200mW?? which one?

I would really appreciate any help or even a link to a video maybe

Look very carefully at the connectors on your antennas/goggles/drone and make sure they match as they are easy to get wrong, this is a common problem
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There are two types of similar antenna connector sets, SMA and RP-SMA. Here are the four possible connectors. Drone always has a jack (bottom row), antenna always has a plug (top row). The male/female designations are confusing as hell.

This is an old post of the Green Orange's
I know about the 2 types of connectors, but either way my goggles came with it's own antenna and that's what I'm using, and so did my VTX so it can't be that.

Not sure if it matters but I checked and I have the positive(+) of the VTX and the CAM soldered together, and same with the negative (-)
Shouldn't matter about the ground but you may be exceeding your bec if both are on it. I power my vtx directly from the pdb
Try powering your vtx directly from the lipo, solder it where the lipo lead solders to your AIO
Also, if one or both of your antennas are polarized, they need to be polarized the same, Left hand or right hand
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Not sure, like I said stock VTX antenna and stock VR007 goggles antenna. Not sure how to tell
Just a thought, you say you sort of get a picture. You may need to focus your lense . Do you have access to another set of goggles?
No it's not a focus issue. The picture is 95% snow and 5% picture. Hard to explain
On the VTX, from the 3 pin plug I am only connecting the yellow signal wire to the fc, and the power from the 2 (red and black) pin plug also to the fc.

I have followed the diagram as per the picture bellow


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I just took this picture of my goggles' screen to show what the picture looks like. If you see on the left side, there is a chair.

Thanks. I just fried the vtx this morning. I was thinking of wiring it straight to the battery as VirtueViolator had suggested. So when this was first suggested to me yesterday I immediately thought that I can't do that because the VTX03 runs off 5V (3.3V-5.5V). This morning though I forgot all about that and went and soldered it straight to my battery, turned it on and..... smoke. Even then it didn't occur to me what I had done. I thought it shorted out somewhere, but then it hit me.
Lesson learnt, think before you act!!!
Sorry, should have suggested you check the voltage, I could send you a vtx?
No no no! I did not in any way mean that this was your fault. 1. You're not to know what parts I'm using, 2. As I said, when you suggested it, I straight away knew I couldn't because mine runs off 5V, so it was my fault because I knew about it, and this morning I must've still been sleeping or something when I went ahead and put 12V through it. On the upside, in a weird twisted way it's kind of fun seeing smoke come out of your electronics lol.

Just looking to see what my options are for replacement. Not sure if I want the same one as this one gets super HOT. Looking at the Eachine TX801. Would you know if it's good or not?

As for sending me another one, if you lived in Australia I would take you up on the offer, only so I can get one to me quickly and then replace it when I got one, but not as a freebie!!

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