Okay, haven't even put goggles on yet with this little beast, just trying to hover in my living room!
After the debacle of having to add a R-XSR receiver and purchase a Jumper T-Lite RC, and several headaches adding the receiver to the iFlight Alpha A85 tinywhoop, it's in the air.
Sort of.
It bounces like a beach ball. super hard to hold altitude. Overshoots like a bouncing ball, and I find myself just going up and down and up and down,
Guessing this is a PID tuning issue on the throttle? I really have no idea, I'm a complete noob to this, but happen to be an engineer with thorough understanding of control loops and PID, hearing about it all the time in past months w.r.t. home-built quads and Betaflight, so...
Anyway, help!
After the debacle of having to add a R-XSR receiver and purchase a Jumper T-Lite RC, and several headaches adding the receiver to the iFlight Alpha A85 tinywhoop, it's in the air.
Sort of.
It bounces like a beach ball. super hard to hold altitude. Overshoots like a bouncing ball, and I find myself just going up and down and up and down,
Guessing this is a PID tuning issue on the throttle? I really have no idea, I'm a complete noob to this, but happen to be an engineer with thorough understanding of control loops and PID, hearing about it all the time in past months w.r.t. home-built quads and Betaflight, so...
Anyway, help!