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Flysky fs i6 transmitter trouble arming quad


Dec 30, 2017
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I have the fkysky i6 transmitter and the x6b receiver and have my setting right in betaflight and think my transmitter setting are right. I watched a couple bartwell videos and had a fpv friend try to assist over a video chat but still cant get it to arm. Does anyone have and idea what it might be?
I have the fkysky i6 transmitter and the x6b receiver and have my setting right in betaflight and think my transmitter setting are right. I watched a couple bartwell videos and had a fpv friend try to assist over a video chat but still cant get it to arm. Does anyone have and idea what it might be?
Are you getting at least 1000 or lower in the receiver tab when the throttle is down?
Yes I'm at 950 with the Throttle Down. Yeah this is my first build and I'm getting a little bit frustrated with this lol
What switch settings did you specify for arming? Do you get responses from stick movements in your receiver mode display? When you try to arm motors, does the LED on your FC turn on solid or stay blinking (should stay on solid if getting proper arming from receiver)? Also, have you calibrated your accelerometers while the quad is on a level surface, and cailbrated the ESCs/ motors? All those will affect the motor arming.
I just had a wierd arming problem. I finally went to motors tab blades off clicked the little ok understand box and it would arm. I closed bf. In cli type status. Do it w it powerd up and switch armed it will tell why. do that first.

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