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G'day from Central Coast NSW, AussieLand


Active Member
Oct 15, 2016
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Central Coast, NSW, Australia
I got into Quads/drones/mutiRotor's around August 2015 after seeing a bunch of guys tearing around a deserted factor with little flying things with four propellers... then found the Phantom 3 - which being a photographer seemed a better option. I decided it better to learn how to fly the thing manually after reading about flyaways and related loss of control.... cutting out more bore reading ) started building quads.
Aussie is big and its hard to find local flyers.....
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Well welcome to our forum Quad :)
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G'Day fellow Aussie lad,

Im only about 5 thousand k's away so no good there. Big place hey...im in Kalgoorlie. The shire has 30000 people in 95000 square kilometres. Plenty of room to fly round these parts. Have you thought about joining a local club or maybe start a meet up group for all things drone? Could be a good way to meet like minded people. Cheers
G'Day fellow Aussie lad,

Im only about 5 thousand k's away so no good there. Big place hey...im in Kalgoorlie. The shire has 30000 people in 95000 square kilometres. Plenty of room to fly round these parts. Have you thought about joining a local club or maybe start a meet up group for all things drone? Could be a good way to meet like minded people. Cheers
Hi, Just a short walk away really....
Yes I have tried to start a group of locals - but "we"all seem to be loners up here on the coast!
Went to the local model aero club a few times after I got into quad flying but... as fixed wing is the focus of the club and the distance to drive out there... I did not really push myself.
I am hoing after Christmas - there will be a few out flying their new toys....
I imagine there will be plenty more people flying drones after christmas. Hopefully the local aero club here have some quad flyers. Im lucky they are only a ten minute drive away. You are lucky to be on the coast, the nearest coastline here is 400klms away I did a trip last weekend, a thousand klm's for one fish which went out as a live bait. Will be a great spot to get some footage at though, plenty of granite outcrops. I may have to head down there a fair bit to get the cool air just to be able to fly from what i have been told of the temps here inland.
I imagine there will be plenty more people flying drones after christmas. Hopefully the local aero club here have some quad flyers. Im lucky they are only a ten minute drive away. You are lucky to be on the coast, the nearest coastline here is 400klms away I did a trip last weekend, a thousand klm's for one fish which went out as a live bait. Will be a great spot to get some footage at though, plenty of granite outcrops. I may have to head down there a fair bit to get the cool air just to be able to fly from what i have been told of the temps here inland.
I might be lucky being just 12-15k from the sea....BUT - because of high house prices in Sydney AND add to that that the coast is an holiday destination for the Sydneysiders.... its getting congested. Its 7k from home to the Westfield mall 8 years ago when we came here - it took about a 10 minutes - now it can take 20 - 30 minutes. The "development" we are on has been a work in progress for over 10 years and they are still chopping down tree's and building more houses. From 7am ish - ALL roads in any dire3ction are busy and rush hour should be crush hour coz of congestion. Such is life in modern Aussie.
Back to quad flying - I don't think joining aero clubs achieves anything really, granted there are some who fly fixed wing and have a quad - but flying it on a big wide open area may be OK...our "local" club seems originally to have been a clearing either natural or chopped out by the keen types years ago..either way its still basically a clearing surrounded by trees and not really that big an area. I had planned to look at Gosford and Maitland up in the Hunter Valley who have a big open area.
Temps??? in the past 7 - 10 days we have had 36c clear skies and humid and next day 21c - heavy rain and wind, then back again to 30c+ and clear skies... then repeat the rainy day! Now we have lush green grass - mossies and flies!
At least you dont seem to have problems flying near or at home - the miserable old s**t behind us would get the rangers in if I lifted a quad above fence height - and claim I was filming him and his latest "any port in a storm" lady friend in the hot tub!
Aint life great!
Boy, you guys would hate it here! Winter sucks, though.

Seems just fine by me..... no bugger moaning about flying near their fence or overlooking their garden. No jobsWorth Rangers creeping up and then pretend they have more powers than any King, President or Russian dwarf with global idea's. And as every hospital here has an Heli pad and a rural airstrip every 50 miles or so.... no problems with No Fly Zones!

Nice vid.... which app used for the waypoints and telemetry?

Yeah, nobody bothers me here. My closer neighbors know I fly so all is good! I use Litchi for all of my DJI flying and Dashware for the overlay.

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Yeah, nobody bothers me here. My closer neighbors know I fly so all is good! I use Litchi for all of my DJI flying and Dashware for the overlay.

Litchi seems better than DJI Go. I remember seeing it on trial on the P3 forum ( which I gave up on about 12 months ago... (a few too many idiots who invite problems flying where they should not and thinking it was OK..because they were not arrested or locked up!)

Your vid highlights a problem over here - every bit of land is owned. In what they describe as "Rural" area, which means 50 years ago when their dads or granddads bought the land it was shrubland and sold cheap and was miles away from the nearest small town.
Now that town ( in my case) is much bigger and opening up more and more land for sale to builders - and now, could really be classed as a city by Oz definition ( 100,000 residents!) the land is cleared and either crop, cattle or horse pasture.
So they don't want the animals scared by flying over them, they don't want any camera over their swimming pool! and they don't want you opening gates and driving off... so they don't give permission. I said to one guy..." I don't want to seem arrogant or obnoxious - BUT I could park on the road and just fly over your land and CASA regulations allow this providing I adhere to the safety restrictions" and he said.. I have a collection of shotguns I test on a regular basis!

Every local council owned park has a - no model aircraft - ban... no argument that a quad is not a fixed wing aircraft and does not need a long landing strip or any real danger to other users. Its a ban and that's it.
A lot depends on the quad flyer and how much aggravation and hassle they will endure. My tolerance is dictated by my better half who thinks any confrontation is best dealt with by driving away.
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