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Got my new X-Ray frame from Raymon...

Jerry, I seriously love Raymond's Frame and what you done to it!! No joke. I want one sooo bad. I asked Raymond about it so cross fingers. I been tooling over what I wanted for my first build.....and I have now found it. The X frame. I guess we will see. I also want two. I want to buy one for a friend. A local kid I met in the park. He's 16 and flies really well. He has been helping me alot (and im a total stranger). He even took my messed up falcon 250 (Twitchy) and rebuilt it.
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Yeah, I dropped Raymon a note to let him know that a few people have asked about his frame. I asked him where I should send them but he hasn't responded yet. Time zone is different, I'm sure.

Some of these kids can really fly these things. Must be all of the gaming stuff they do. It's really cool that he's helping you out. I'm learning everything from the internet. It's been a lot of fun for sure.

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Ikr.....16....been flying since Christmas and can do amazing things. I can barely keep it in the air. I'm doing more repairs than flying but it's soooo much fun. It's just going to take me longer to learn.
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