I've had the Drone for 14 days absolutely loving it. But I noticed the other night when landing at night the left rear arm long LED was not working put a pain in the butt not even 2 weeks old and something has stopped working. Now this doesn't hinder flight at all so I could just keep flying and ignore it but it's $1,000. I could return it to Best buy I have two days to get a no-questions exchange but I have customized this one with a skin already so I would be losing that or I could wait to see what DJI says. What would you guys do???????????? Keep flying... get a whole new unit..... or wait to see what the company tells you to do. I did get in contact with someone from DJI and the first thing they wanted to do was go through updates saying that this could possibly fix the issue I don't see how an update can fix a light that went out
. I got 24 hours to make a decision