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I am in love with this hobby!

I searched for the DX6 G2 on Ebay and google. Cant find it. But was seeing that the DX6 and DX6i were looking to be discontinued. This sucks. you kinda ruined my day LOL

This is the G2 Version.
DX6 6-Channel DSMX Transmitter Only, Mode 2 | HorizonHobby

This is the G1 Version. Notice - It does say "discontinued".
DX6 6-Channel DSMX® Transmitter System, Mode 2 with Quad Racing Receiver | HorizonHobby

As you have already notice, you can still buy the DX6i. The G1 version replaced the 6i. And the G2 version replaced the G1. So - unfortunately you have to be well educated to buy these radio's. Or you may fall into someone's trap (trying to unload outdated radio's)
Sorry if you got messed up.
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None of the Spektrum radios (we just talked about) are bad radio's. They will all get the job done. Reasonably, the G2's are the best. The worst part about the scam is that you can get the G2's for just a little bit more than the outdated radio's (most of the time).
This is the G2 Version.
DX6 6-Channel DSMX Transmitter Only, Mode 2 | HorizonHobby

This is the G1 Version. Notice - It does say "discontinued".
DX6 6-Channel DSMX® Transmitter System, Mode 2 with Quad Racing Receiver | HorizonHobby

As you have already notice, you can still buy the DX6i. The G1 version replaced the 6i. And the G2 version replaced the G1. So - unfortunately you have to be well educated to buy these radio's. Or you may fall into someone's trap (trying to unload outdated radio's)
Sorry if you got messed up.

No NO, I super appreciate you informing me on a bad choice. I want a radio that is easy to program as I really don't know what I'm doing. I seen that the taranis is hard to program and didn't really know of any other choices. What do you recommend for a novice Phoenix?

@ GreenOrange....why do you like that Controller?
The AT9S has FHSS, 2ms response time, S.Bus, 1.5km range, 12 channels (with latest firmware), micro receiver available, multiple model memory, four 3-way switches, etc...
No NO, I super appreciate you informing me on a bad choice. I want a radio that is easy to program as I really don't know what I'm doing. I seen that the taranis is hard to program and didn't really know of any other choices. What do you recommend for a novice Phoenix?

@ GreenOrange....why do you like that Controller?

Spektrum radios are super easy to learn and program. Lots of support. Any of the G2's will be fine. They are a little more pricy. But not much. I consider them to be (middle class radio's). I don't know anything about the AT9S. So I can't give you a comparison.
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So this AT9, how easy is it to program for a major rookie. what recievers does it use and are they common? Does the TX have good support? Can I use it on a simulator?

Thank you Phoenix....very much I got some MORE **** research to do
I haven't used a sim but I have read that you can. It seems easy to program. It only works a Radiolink receivers like the R9DS, R6DS and R6DSM, but they are cheap and work with any flight controller. It comes with R9DS receiver. I haven't had to use their support other than downloading new firmware which was not super easy but I got it done in a half hour.
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Thanks guys, You have given me enough ammo to go further my research as Im not in a hurry to get another TX. Much help you have been
Take a look at these sims. They are both designed around Spektrum products. The (quad) parts of the sim are really boring and designed around camera platforms. But the heli and airplane parts of the sim are quite good. If you can master a heli, you'll have no problem with a quad.

Phoenix model flight simulation :: Welcome

RealFlight RC Flight Simulator

Who Knows, you may find heli's interesting.
I take that back. RealFlight has upgraded?:eek:
Im really only interested in Quads TBH. Helis are friggin awesome tho especially in the hands of masters But im only interested in quads ATM. Im wanting to use the LIFTOFF simulator.

Done my research on the TX's. Im leaning towards the DX6 G2 or maybe even the DX7. What ya think and whats the difference?
Does anyone do FPV on heli's??? just curious
Im really only interested in Quads TBH. Helis are friggin awesome tho especially in the hands of masters But im only interested in quads ATM. Im wanting to use the LIFTOFF simulator.

Done my research on the TX's. Im leaning towards the DX6 G2 or maybe even the DX7. What ya think and whats the difference?

The DX7 is also on the "discontinued" list. But - It's still a good radio if you can find one new (still in the box). Or gently used.
More food for thought - Since your dedicating to quads, are you dedicating to only quad racers? If you should decide to get into camera platforms, you will need a minimum of 8 channels. That is why I selected the DX8 G2.

Does anyone do FPV on heli's??? just curious?

Well - Sorta. Heli's were used for camera platforms long before quads came along.Since heli's are kinda the precursor to quads, I'm sure that it has been done. 3D heli stunts are designed for LOS flying and really hard to do with FPV. I seen a video of a pilot doing PyroFlips via FPV. And it was very disorienting. Even for the pilot.
Yup, for now just racer quad. In the future, we will see
Yup, for now just racer quad. In the future, we will see

I can't see the DX7 being of any use to you until your appetite grows.
Ok. So for now the DX6 will suffice. Thanks man
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