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I am in love with this hobby!

Hello everybody... I am a total noob, have been flying Los about a month, with what I have been told is a great entry level quad... But I have a couple hundred dollars worth of stuff from China on a boat on its way here... Also, new to The Forum, obviously... Just wanted to say hi, and express my enthusiasm for the hobby as well... There's no question, I'M ADDICTED
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Pretty good video. I'm still trying to figure out how to control my first home built. One recommendation, angle your camera up a little bit so you can see where the craft is going rather than looking down at the ground so much.
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Hello Nylus,

You and I are about even in our Noobiness. I only got about 2 batteries of FPV under my belt, getting a little better but man its difficult. Yet soooo addicting.

Welcome to the Forum
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I hear you. I'm intentionally keeping the angle down a bit, I need to get better at judging my altitude. Once I've got a good handle on that I'll start angling up.

I build custom Car's for a living and do alot of welding and people always ask how I got so good at welding and I answered the same thing "Practice" It takes time, the bigger open area the better (less things to hit!!) haha
Welcome to the forum and happy flying

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Ive done my 2nd successful piloting with my Wizard X220!!! YEAHHHH!!!! Now I'm confident that I will get the hang of this. I'm flying over and around trees.....It's sooo awesome to be up high, I just love it!!! But my first 4 batteries were pretty bad & I didn't think I was going to get the hang of it. So HAPPY!! Thanks for all the advice guys....
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I'm right there with you!!

The first couple of flights were really poor! having to drop throttle to keep from hitting thing's,going over fences etc.
Then I started to fly in an open area and it was a different world! So much better and the confidence is building!
One thing I have done was go and get more batteries! I have 8 now and just fly one after another. another tip is buy better props I use the DAL props they are the 5040 tri blade cyclone super durable!!
The only thing that has happened during a hard crash was one bent, that was it.
Happy flying
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Yeah, I fly in a park but the open areas have trees so I just got used to working around the trees and IM LOVING IT!!!!! I just bought the RunCam Eagle so cant wait for that to arrive(The Wizard stock camera sucks!!!)

I got 4 batteries and that's all I really have time for at any given moment. But yes, I replaced the props too...so much better.

Glad you're getting the hang of it and having fun! I've been flying quite a bit over the last few days. I'm really working on getting the hang of Acro. It's much different than Horizon so it's taking me some time. Spent all night fixing wrecked quads from yesterday. I really screwed up two of them, one had some minor stuff. Got everything fixed on two of them but the third is going to take a bit longer.

First flight today on the 250B (which really got banged up yesterday) I was about 1:00 minute into the flight, up high, went to switch to Acro and instead hit the disarm switch. Slammed into the ground like a rock! Took a while to find the camera and straps but damage was minimal as it must have slammed down flat. Thank god, I **** near rebuilt the think last night. Didn't wrap up with repairs until 4am.

Anyway, I'm really glad you're having a good time! Good luck!


I always wanted to know what was "horizon" mode? I know what angle is and Acro is full 3D..

That sounded like a lot of repairs. How many quads you got?
I got two and one was broke(my VTX isn't working right) and I told my wife I had two because when one was down I could fly the otherone.

Ok I read it. NICE!! I like that you named them. I'm going to name mine too. I would have never thought of that. Jerry...what goggles you use and did you ever use the cheap ones like EV800 or something? If so how was the transition? I like the cheap ones because of the huge FOV and the fat sharks really drop in FOV

I'm using the Fatshark Dominator V3's. I tested three but ultimately decided to just pony up and get the FS. I can use them with my racers and with my Phantoms, Mavic and Solo. I did like the wider view of some of the others but it didn't want to be constantly looking for new goggles. It seems that most of the Pros use the FS so I figured I couldn't go wrong with them. The Eachine Ev800's were my second choice and The Green Orange really likes them and they're a lot cheaper. Green's a really good guy and I really respect his opinions.

So I really don't want to drop that much money if I'm not sure I'll like them. I really need to wear them. Maybe my local shop will let me wear a set to see the difference. I'm using the EV800 and thier not bad.

Thanks Jerry

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