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I can not break the RTH the break button does not work

John Gowland

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2021
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When you lose connection with or without the CE to FCC hack I can not stop the process.
Reluctant to download the latest upgrade because the hack works beautifully.
Anyone had this issue and found a solution?
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Thanks, I don't remember anything in the medu but I will take another look.
Thanks for trying.
I don't understand the question... stop what process? RTH?

If you're disconnected, you have no control, obviously. Why do you expect the brake button to do anything when you're not connected to the aircraft?

I'm confused.
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My fault, I did not explain well enough. When RTH engages and the drone is on its way, and you can see it clearly you can disengage the RTH and continue flying. If when you hit the break button and it will continue it laborious way home and no matter what you do it continues its snail’s pace RTH it is very frustrating, waste of time and waste of battery.

The RTH is an amazing tool, and it keeps getting better, thank goodness for it. But on all drones, I have flown you can break the RTH at any stage. Obviously, you do not want to break its return when you do not know where your drone is. Did I explain that sufficiently? I hope so, let me know.
Long press has no effect. The only thing that does work and it takes some time is to push and pull the right stick, for speed, while hitting the break key.

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