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I orbited an excavator shovel..

That was sick bro... nicely done.
I love one battery no cut flight vids. Its Easy to pic the best from several and post but this really shows the truth!!!
thanks for taking the time to share it!
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That was sick bro... nicely done.
I love one battery no cut flight vids. Its Easy to pic the best from several and post but this really shows the truth!!!
thanks for taking the time to share it!
Thanks man!! Much appreciated!! I like the no cuts for the same reason. I like to see it from start to finish regardless of the outcome. Only time I spllce together is if I think it is just waaaaay to boring... I know people don't want to watch 20 split S maneuvers LOL.
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Reactions: Futuramille
Thanks man!! Much appreciated!! I like the no cuts for the same reason. I like to see it from start to finish regardless of the outcome. Only time I spllce together is if I think it is just waaaaay to boring... I know people don't want to watch 20 split S maneuvers LOL.
I especially liked that inverted/ sideways yaw spin @ 2:25. we're working on a "traveling" sideways yaw spin to cover distance and setup for what ever comes next.. sky ground sky ground... cool effect!
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Reactions: ebeez

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