Well-Known Member
I don't know the range because where I fly I am limited by Wi-Fi interference nearby. But at an open field it is easily over 1000yds with my vtx of choice, the TrampHV.
If I were to go box goggle I'd want the best ones best resolution screen adjustment(distance). Dvr also diversity. ComfortableI just ordered the Eachine EV900, I will let you know. They are much smaller than my Goggles Two, which are enormous but very comfortable and have good range (not sure how far exactly).
I also have a set of the original EV800 that I use for DVR (I modded one into them). They don't have the best range and are not confortable really. I use them like a screen now though so they are still handy. The VR-007 would be a better budget choice now.
Prolly would have gotten tear but no dvrGo for these, you will not be disappointed.
Skyzone SKY01S Upgraded 5.8G 48CH FPV Goggles Auto Search Video Headset With Front Camera Sale - Banggood Mobile
He's gonna learn the stubborn hard manly way like every one I know i didThere are no guarantees you will like the expensive ones more than the cheap ones. It isn't simply a matter of one being better, they are just different.
I only use single screen goggles for various reasons. If you want to spend more, have a look at the Eachine ev900 or Goggles Two.
Wait, what? There is other ways of learning??He's gonna learn the stubborn hard manly way like every one I know i did