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InavFlight Gps fault

Giovanni Felicio

New Member
Jan 31, 2018
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I started by now in this area of drone, and when I went to configure my gps (nz GPS) in naze32 using inav, it failed (got the red gps icon), I selected the ports all right and selected the protocol for UBLOX, I bought this gps in an online market and it said that the protocol was UBLOX7, when I put it in UBLOX and saved it, the icon turned red and when I put it in UBLOX7, it did not even appear. I wanted to know what the problem is, because I really want to use the RTH feature of inav.
Do you have your NZ module connected properly? SCL & SDA connections are straight forward, but unlike what we're used to, tx from NZ module goes to rx pin on the Naze and rx from NZ goes to tx pin on the Naze.
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Do you have your NZ module connected properly? SCL & SDA connections are straight forward, but unlike what we're used to, tx from NZ module goes to rx pin on the Naze and rx from NZ goes to tx pin on the Naze.

Yes, it is connected correctly
One other thought.... On initial connection of a GPS module it goes through a "cold start" while the internal battery charges and it does it's first satellite link. After this it usually only takes a few seconds to connect but the initial cold start can take up to 10 or 15 minutes.
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